Committed to connecting the world

Episode #10: Interoperability and resiliency requirements of Digital Payments System

The tenth episode  of the DFS webinar series focused on “Interoperability and resiliency requirements of Digital Payments System”.  COVID-19 has most probably lead to an increasing demand for digital payments across the world. This has inadvertently result in significant challenges for governments and digital financial services providers in emerging economies. During the coronavirus crisis, digital payments have kept the economies running and helped people reduce contact with virus. Contactless digital payments at the point of sale, such as facial recognition, Quick Response (QR) codes or near-field communications (NFC), have reduced the risk of the virus spreading through cash exchanges. However, in order to achieve scale, governments and merchants will need to embrace interoperable digital payments, manage risks in the mobile and payments ecosystem and be able to integrate different payment systems to reduce the need for cash in cash out. In this respect, the digital payments infrastructure needs to be interoperable and resiliency built in, in order to support the increase in demand and diverse payment system. This session discussed the different measures regarding interoperability, resiliency and infrastructure that can be leveraged to create a robust digital payment system.

Participation was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU who wished to contribute to the work. This included individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.​

Chief of Study Groups
University of Florida
Financial Sector Specialist
World Bank
Programme Manager
Financial Inclusion
Universal Postal Union (UPU)

Senior Manager
Inclusive Fintech/Mobile Money
Assistant Director General
(Post Bank of India)
Government of India



