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Harmonisation of Terminology in Standards for Quantum Technology

Standards depend upon clearly defined terms that clarify the normative effect of the requirements they contain. In practice, standards are often used in combination and conflicting definitions add complexity for users. This webinar explored motivations to harmonize the use of certain terminology as well as considering where it is not likely to be of benefit. Areas where terminology is likely to cut across different quantum technologies were identified as well as areas where consistency with standards from other fields is anticipated to be important. It also looked to the future and consider whether terminology choices are expected to restrict the application of standards to new technologies and future generations of quantum systems. Specific examples that underpin essential aspects of quantum technologies were discussed. Approaches of different SDOs to the use and maintenance of terminology and potential approaches to facilitate harmonisation were discussed.​

Participation was open to anyone interested in the subject who wished to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.

Watch recording here​


​15:00 - 15:45​
Opening Remarks​

Moderator: James Nagel, Lead Photonic & Laser Systems Engineer, L3Harris Technologies, United States 
15:45 - 16:20​
Panel Discussion: ​​Theme 1 - Motivation and current position​ 

This discussion will cover motivations for harmonising terminology in standards. It will also explore the current position and how different SDOs and groups within them manage terminology.​

Moderator: James Nagel​, Lead Photonic & Laser Systems Engineer, L3Harris Technologies, United States
16:20 - ​16:45​
Panel Discussion: ​Theme 2 - Areas of quantum technologies, intersections and relationships with other fields

​This discussion will identify areas where terminology is expected to cut-across different areas of quantum technology. It will also cover the wider area of standardisation that is of importance to quantum technologies.

Moderator: Momtchil Peev, Quantum Lab, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH (HWDU), Germany 
​​16:45 - 17:30​​
Panel DiscussionTheme 3 - Terminology for future quantum standardisation

This discussion will consider experiences from previous attempts to harmonise terminologies and the problems that can arise. It will look towards the future and ask whether decisions taken now on the terminology used in standards could impact their applicability to the early introduction of new technologies and future generations of quantum systems. Finally, areas where there is interest in considering a common glossary as well as what could be done to help to facilitate informal harmonisation between work in different SDOs and to reduce the occurrence of problematic conflicting definitions will be discussed.​

Moderator: Richard Pitwon, CEO, Resolute Photonics 

​​Panel Composition

​17:30 - 17:40​

Closing Remarks and Summary



