Committed to connecting the world

Americas Region Preparatory Meeting
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 14-15 May 2012 Contact:
Richard Hill, Counsellor, ITU-T SG2 and SG3, and CWG-WCIT

Richard is currently Counsellor for Study Groups 2 and 3 at the International Telecommunications Union, that is technical secretary for the ITU groups dealing with operational aspects of service provision, networks and performance, including numbering issues (for example, assignment of international country codes) and charging and accounting matters.

Prior to joining ITU, Richard was Department Head, IT Infrastructure Delivery and Support, at Orange Communications (a GSM operator), responsible for delivering and maintaining the real-time, fail-safe computing infrastructure for the company to support over 300 online agents and related applications such as billing.  Richard was responsible for IT Operations, IT Help Desk (support for 1500 PCs), IT Security, Network, Unix, NT, Oracle DB, Tuxedo, Telephony, and Internet and Intranet services.

He previously was the IT Manager at the University of Geneva, responsible for the network, central systems, over 6000 work-stations and PCs, user support, administrative applications, library infrastructure, and audio-visual services.
Prior to that, he worked at Hewlett-Packard's European Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.  At HP, he had been responsible for world-wide mobile communication strategies and plans; for delivering GSM services throughout Europe; for specifying, procuring, and deploying voice and electronic mail services in Europe; for developing and implementing HP's EDI program in Europe; for operating the IT center supporting operations in the Middle East and Africa; and for providing economic and sales forecasts to HP top management.

From September 1991 to June 1993, Richard was the Western European Rapporteur for EDIFACT, responsible for the organization of the EDI standardization efforts in Europe and for liaisons with other regions working on EDIFACT.  He is past chair of EDIFICE, the European Electronics Industry Forum for EDI, and was editor of X.435, the Pedi protocol for EDI and X.400.

Prior to joining HP, he worked as a Research Statistician for the A.C. Nielsen company in Europe, a large marketing research company, and as a systems designer and consultant for a small software company specializing Boston, Mass. that specialized in applications for managing financial portfolios.  Prior to that, Richard was Systems Programmer and later Applications Development Manager for econometrics systems developed at M.I.T. and N.B.E.R. (TROLL project).  Richard has taught numerous courses and seminars as part of his work and at universities in the US and Europe.
Richard is a member of the American Arbitration Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Association for Computing Machinery, Society for Computers and Law, and the Swiss Arbitration Association.
Richard holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from Harvard University and a B.S. in Mathematics from M.I.T.  Prior to his studies in the U.S.A., he obtained the Maturita' from the Liceo Scientifico A. Righi in Rome, Italy.

He has published papers on mediation, arbitration, and computer-related intellectual property issues and the standard reference book to X.435.
rosa.jpgPaolo Rosa, Head of Workshops and Promotion Division, (ITU/TSB)

Mr Rosa received his degree in physics in 1974 in Rome, Italy, and joined the R&D branch of the Italian Ministry of Communication working on optical fibers transmission networks, in national and international standards and leading quality control inspection teams for international telecommunication projects.

He was head of national delegations for standardization and research studies performed in IEC, ITU, ETSI, CECC, COST and represented the Italian Ministry of Communications in various international institutions including the European Commission task force for the G7 pilot projects on the Information Society.

Paolo was appointed as expert and senior advisor by the Italian Foreign Office, the UNDP and ITU for telecommunication projects in various developing countries worldwide.

In 1997 he joined the ITU-T secretariat in Geneva as Counselor responsible for Study Groups 6 (Outside plant), and SG 15 (Optical and other transport networks) and representing ITU in various events. Since November 2004 he is the Head of the Workshops and Promotion Division of the ITU Standardization Sector, organizing events and promoting new ITU-T activities for resolutions concerning developing countries, conformance and interoperability, universities.

He is author of several papers published in international technical magazines and speaker and lecturer in universities, international conferences, seminars and workshops.