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ITU Regional Forum 2012: “Bridging the standardization gap for RCC countries"
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2 April 2012 Contact:
(Updated on 11 April 2012)
Day 1: ITU Regional Forum, Monday, 2 April 2012
​9:30 – 10:15
Opening remarks:
Welcome  address by Chairman of Event:
  • Khurshid Mirzakhidov, Director General of the Uzbek Agency for Communication and Informatization
Keynote addresses:
  • Nurudin Mukhitdinov, Director General of the RCC Executive Committee
  • Malcolm Johnson, Director, ITU/TSB
    Biography | Speech ]
  • Yury Grin, Deputy to the Director of BDT, ITU/BDT
    Biography ]
10:15 – 10:45​ Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15​
Session 1: Development Issues in the RCC countries
Objectives: This session will focus on ITU-D activities to promote ICT development and implementation. Topics will provide an overview of the work of the ITU-D Study Groups and include a presentation of the ITU Area Office for the CIS on the ITU key activities in the area.
Session Moderator: Yuri Grin, Deputy Director of BDT Biography ]
  • ITU activities in the CIS region: The activities of the ITU Area Office for the CIS. Report on ITU-D Study Group activities: Orozobek Kaiykov, Head, ITU Regional Office, Moscow
    Biography | Presentation ]
  • ITU-T Programs to help Developing Countries:  Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, ITU/TSB
    Biography | Presentation ]
  • ICT and information security: Alexander Baranov, Director of the Communication Strategy Department of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine
    Biography | Presentation ]
  • Resource – saving and stable networks for cellular communication for rural and under-populated areas: Yuri Avanesov, Director of the Department of the OJSC Intellect-Telecom
    Biography | Presentation ]
  • Perfection of standardization system for promotion of ICT development and implementation: Khusan Isaev, Head of License and Standardization Department, Communications and Information Agency of Uzbekistan
    Presentation ]
12:15 – 13:45​ Lunch
13:45 – 15:30​
Session 2: The ICT standardization gaps in the RCC countries
Objectives: This session will provide an overview of the current status of ICT standardization, ITU standards activities with specific relevance to the RCC and will provide an opportunity for policy-makers from the region to express their future requirements. This session will also include a presentation on the standardization gap and the wider digital divide, and what can be done to overcome it, as well as common MRA centres.
Session Moderator: Alisher Faizulaev, Director of the SUE Center UNICON.UZ Biography ]

  • Bridging the Standardization Gap in RCC:  Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, ITU/TSB
    Biography | Presentation ]
  • Cybersecurity:  Georgy Gritsay, Adviser to the State Policy in the field of Information Technologies and Informatization Coordination Department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation
    [ Presentation ]
  • “The regional approach on creation of unified MRA testing center with integration functions interoperability and QoS/QoE testing”:  Denis Andreev, Head of division of Science and Technical Center Communication Services and Networks of the FSUE NIIR, Reporter of Q.10/11 - ITU-T Study Group 11
    BiographyPresentation ]
  • “Development and introduction of the standardization system on the basis of the OJSC “Rostelecom”: Vladimir Efimushkin, Director of the scientific activity of the FSUE ZNIIS, Co-authors: Alexander Adzhemov, Director General of the FSUE ZNIIS, Ivan Zima, Vice-President, Technical Director of the OJSC Rostelecom
    [ Bio: Efimushkin | Abstract | Presentation ]
  • "Universalization of broadband access as an aspect of the development of next-generation networks in Uzbekistan": Asiljan Mirhabibov, Head of the Communications and Informatization Department of the SUE UNICON.UZ; Co-author: Evgeniy Tarasenko, Assistant of Department of networks and systems of data communication, Tashkent University of Information Technologies
    Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
  • Conformance and Interoperability:  the view from ITU-R:  Albert Nalbandian, Adviser to the Minister of Transport and Communication, Republic of Armenia, Vice-Chairman CWG-WCIT12
    Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
15:30 – 16:00​ Coffee break​​
16:00 – 17:30​
Session 3: Overview of ITU Standards activities and how to participate
Objectives: This session will highlight decisions taken by the  Plenipotentiary Conference in 2010 and WTSA-08 (Res. 44) on Bridging the Standardization Gap (Resolution 123 PP-10) and the activities carried out by the three ITU sectors. It will also provide information on how to participate in ITU’s activities.  Each topic will be presented for perspectives of technology, evolution and trends, current and future studies and new services, focusing on how they could serve RCC countries.  Topics include fixed-mobile convergence, multimedia, optical transport networks and broadband access, VOIP, Accessibility, conformance and interoperability, ICTs and climate change, cable television and remote testing of communications services.
Session Moderator: Alisher Faizulaev, Director of the SUE Center UNICON.UZ Biography ]
  • Role of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group: Dmitry Cherkesov, Vice-Chairman of TSAG, Head of the FSUE NIIR
    Presentation ]
  • Overview of ITU-T Study Group Activities: Hot topics for Standardization: Tatiana Kurakova, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 13
    Biography | Presentation ]
  • Profiling and monitoring of multimedia content as the new ITU-T research direction:  Dmitry Tarasov, Head of Science and Technical Center Communication Services and Networks of the FSUE NIIR
    [ BiographyPresentation ]
  • Work of ITU-T SG 15:  Victor Katok, Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15, Director of Department of Scietific and Technical Policy of the JSC “Ukrtelecom”
    Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
  • Work of ITU-T SG 16 - Activities and Questions of SG 16: development of IPTV services on the basis of ITU-T Recommendations in RCC countries: Muzaffar Djalalov, SG 16 member, Head of the International Relations Department of the SUE UNICON.UZ
    Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]