Committed to connecting the world


​​​Rim Belhassine-Cherif 
Chairman, WISE

Dr. Rim Be​lhassine-Cherif is a general engineer. She has worked for the incumbent telecom operator in Tunisia “Tunisie Télécom” since 1994 and she is currently the Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer and the responsible of digital transformation at Tunisie Télécom. Dr. Belhassine-Cherif has participated to several ITU conferences, seminars and workshops and she is a vice-chair of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) and Co-Rapporteur on Standardization Strategy. She is also vice-chair of ITU-T Study Group 13, Vice-chair of WP3/13 and Vocabulary Rapporteur for the ITU Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV). She has served as the vice-chair of SG13 Regional Group for Africa (SG13RG-AFR) since 2014 then she was appointed as the chair of this regional group in December 2021. Moreover, she was a vice-chair of the ITU-T Focus Group on Bridging the Gap: from Innovation to Standards between 2013 and 2015. Besides, Dr. Belhassine-Cherif has several contributions as Tunisie Télécom’s delegate in national and international events, related to both professional and academic fields, in which she participated as a speaker, panelist and moderator. Dr. Belhassine-Cherif graduated from the Higher School of Posts and Telecommunications of Tunis in 1994. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the National Engineering School of Tunis in 2002 and obtained in 2010 an Executive MBA from Paris-Dauphine University and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. In the academic field, she performed several research activities in the domain of telecommunications and electrical engineering, and she is the author of many papers published in international and national conferences and scientific journals
Cristiana Flutur 
Director, ANACOM Romania 

Ms. Cristiana Flutur joined the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) in 2012, as an expert in the Unit for International Relations and European Affairs. She has an active role in representing Romania in the ITU and other international foras. In June 2019, she was appointed Director for International Affairs within ANCOM, managing the activity of three units which cover issues such as relationship with international and regional organisations, translations and bilateral cooperation, EU affairs, the organization of events and travels, respectively. Ms. Flutur is the first woman to hold the position of chair of the Committee for ITU Policy (Com-ITU) and co-president of CEPT (The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations), for a period of three years that started in June 2018, being re-elected to a second three-year term in 2021. She has acted as European vice-chair of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 (PP-18) and main coordinator for the European Common Proposals and Positions for PP-18. Cristiana also holds the chairmanship of the Advisory Board for the Network of women for WTDC (NOW4WTDC), an initiative which is designed to encourage gender balance in the activities leading up to the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) and beyond. Ms Flutur is an Economics graduate from the Faculty of Finance and Banking, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and holds a master’s degree from the same university in European Economics. She has an extensive experience in the public sector, in both national and international institutions.​
​​Amanda Gorely
H.E. Ambassador, Australia | Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Conference on Disarmament in Geneva

Prior to her appointment in Geneva, Ms. Gorely had been serving as First Assistant Secretary within the International Security Division, and Ambassador for Arms Control and Counter-Proliferation at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of Australia. She has previously served overseas as Australia’s Ambassador to the Philippines; as well as in Wellington, Geneva and Stockholm. In Canberra she has held a number of senior legal, trade and human rights positions in DFAT.
​​Anne Rachel Inné
ITU Regional Director for Africa

Anne-Rachel Inné is the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Regional Director for Africa. She also serves as liaison to the African Union and UNECA. Prior to joining ITU, she was the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, at the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) and the primary link to Governments of US, Canada, and more than 25 Caribbean and North Atlantic economies that constitute ARIN’s region and the focal point for International IGOs, IOs and their work. Immediately prior to working for ARIN, Anne-Rachel was the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)’s Vice President Government Engagement in Geneva, Switzerland, and worked for ICANN for 12 years in different policy and higher management positions. She also worked as the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of the Africa Regional Registry, AFRINIC, taking care of the total registry operations, and governments’ engagement in the Registry’s public policies process. Anne-Rachel worked at the IICD in The Hague, Netherlands (1998-2001) as several African, Caribbean and South American countries’ programme manager directing multi sector social development projects that were early adopters of ICT/Internet. She produced and publicized Learning by Doing: Lessons emerging from the ICT Stories Projects for the benefits of the projects and the wider community.  She was a member of the Bureau of the African Group at the World Summit for Information Society (WSIS), as a representative of the African private sector and a member of the Gender Coalition during WSIS with which she helped write Creating Your Own National Gender Programme – A Practical Guide Anne-Rachel was an entrepreneur and consultant in the ICT4D for several years in developing economies and worked with African Union and UNECA on the African Information Society Initiative and subsequent NICI plans. She was featured as ICT Expert in the ILO/IOM book for the AUC: African Women at the Service of the Union and a recipient of several awards for her demonstrated immense commitment and continued engagement with African communities. She is the Chair or member of the Board of several NGOs that work in Digital Skills, Diplomacy in the digital age, African languages and ICTs and is the initiator/participant to several other initiatives around education and Internet/ICTs for Africa, by Africans.​
Bilel Jamoussi
Chief of Study Groups Dept., ITU

Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.
Hyoung Jun Kim
Vice Chairman, WISE | WP1/20 Co-chairman, ITU-T Study Group 20, ITU | Senior Vice-President, Intelligent Convergence Research Lab, ETRI​

Dr. Hyoung Jun Kim joined ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) in 1988, and he is currently in charge of the Intelligent Convergence Research Lab in ETRI as Senior Vice-President. He has had about 33 years research experiences in various divisions of ETRI including Info-Communications Technology Division, IT Strategy Research Division, Information & Telecommunications Technology Division, and Protocol Engineering Centre. He has been currently serving as Vice-chair of ITU-T SG20 and its co-Chair of WP1/20 and the co-Convenor of JCA-IoT/SC&C under SG20. Also he served as Vice-chair of SG13 and its Chair of WP3/13. In addition, he also had been served as Rapporteur of Q25/16 since 2004 as well as served as Vice-Chairman of FG on M2M Service Layers and Chairman of WP2 of the FG in ITU-T SG11 and Vice-Chairman of FG on Future Networks in ITU-T SG13. In addition to this, he is also now cserving as Chair of ASTAP(Apt STAndardization Program) in APT. Regarding his research and academic achievements, he has contributed more than 450 proposals for standards and published more than 150 papers in academic journals and conference as well as more than 100 patents and 20 official technologies transfers to the domestic companies. He was awarded the National President’s citation in 2003 and 2009 respectively as well as many Certificates of Appreciation from int’l standard-related organizations including ITU-T. In particular, he got his second National President’s Award at the “World Standards Day 2009 in Korea” for honoring his efforts on international standardization.
​H.E. ​Minette Libom Li Likeng
Minister, Post and Telecommunication, Cameroon

A true product of the Cameroonian educational system, she graduated from the University of Yaoundé and the National School of Administration and Magistracy. Mrs Minette LIBOM Li LIKENG has been Minister of Posts and Telecommunications since October 2015. She was able to spearhead the drafting of the 2020 Digital Plan, which serves as a Government Compass to give concrete effects to the Vision of the Head of State, H.E. Paul BIYA, who instructed a mobilisation of all stakeholders to help Cameroon make the most of digital economy. Senior Customs Inspector by training, she spent her entire career in the Ministry of Finance where she occupied several positions, among which that of Managing Director of Customs for 8 years. In this office, she worked for the modernisation of the Cameroon Customs, in this capacity; she set up an assessment system for custom personnel as well as a system to fight bad practices, through “Performance Contracts” signed with customs officials on the one hand and economic operators on the other hand. The steady increase in custom revenue observed in the recent years is partly justified by this managerial mechanism. In her capacity as the Minister in charge of the development of the ICT sector, Mrs Minette LIBOM is at the front line battle, and is working to implement the Presidential Vision of bridging Cameroon’s backlog in the field of digital economy.
Miho Naganuma
Principal Strategist, Digital Trust Business Strategy Division, NEC Corporation

Ms. NAGANUMA has over 20 years’ experience in the ICT industry. She has developed her career in private sector and has mainly focused on cybersecurity. She is now in NEC Corporation and is responsible for leading intelligent research for policy & regulatory impacts on digital trust field including AI.During the career, she has also been actively involved in international standardisation work in many organizations including ITU, ISO, other SDOs and experts’ committees for over 20 years. In ITU, she has participated various meetings such as TSAG and SGs in ITU-T and ITU-D with leadership position. She also contributed to various ITU events and high-level meetings such as PP, WTDC and WTSA.
​​Anjana Susarla
Professor, Responsible AI, College of Business, Michigan State University

Anjana Susarla is the Omura-Saxena Professor of Responsible AI at the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. She earned an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai; a graduate degree in Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta; and Ph.D. in Information Systems from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include the economics of information systems, social media analytics and the economics of artificial int​elligence. Her work has appeared in several academic journals and peer-reviewed conferences such as the Academy of Management Conference, Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Information Systems Research, International Conference in Information Systems, International Conference in Learning Representations, Journal of Management Information Systems, Management Science and MIS Quarterly. She has served on and serves on the editorial boards of Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly. Anjana Susarla has been a recipient of the William S. Livingston Award for Outstanding Graduate Students at the University of Texas, a Steven Schrader Best Paper Finalist at the Academy of Management, the Association of Information Systems Best Publication Award and the Microsoft Prize by the International Network of Social Networks Analysis Sunbelt Conference. She has worked in consulting and led experiential projects with several companies across several sectors. She has been interviewed in, had her research quoted and op-eds published in several media outlets such as the Associated Press, BBC, Business Insider, Business Standard, Channel News Asia, Chicago Tribune, The Conversation, El Pais, Esquire, Fast Company, Fox News, Houston Chronicle, Huffington Post, Michigan Public Radio, Marketplace Morning Report, Nasdaq, National Public Radio, NBC, Newsweek, Nieman Lab, Nikkei, OneZero, Pew Research, Philadelphia Inquirer, Quartz, Salon, Sirius XM, Slate, Snopes, Washington Post, Week, Wired, World Economic Forum and Yahoo Finance. She has also been a speaker at public forums such as the South by Southwest (SXSW) Festival and the United States Institute of Peace.
​​ Nevine Tewfik
Vice-Chair, ITU-T SG5 I Senior International Relations Expert, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt ​

Nevine Tewfik holds a BA and MA degrees in Political Science from the American University in Cairo where she worked for several years as Instructor of Political Science. Nevine has also been working for the past 30 years in the field of International Relations, Research, Policies, Studies and Strategic Thinking.  She is currently Senior IR Expert at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Prior to that she held several positions including Head of Research, Studies and Policies, Deputy Director and Head of The European Cooperation Department.  Her current work cuts across the different portfolios of the International relations division on the bilateral and multilateral levels, where she is member of the Management Team.  One of the founders of the IR Division at MCIT, Nevine has represented the ministry in numerous international platforms and organizations since then. Nevine is vice chair of SG5 on “The Environment, climate change and circular economy”, vice chair of WP2, vice chair of the African and Arab Regional groups and co- rapporteur of question 7 on Circular economy including e-waste.  Nevine was actively involved in the Green ICT program at MCIT and the Sustainable Recycling Industries project implemented in Egypt in cooperation with the Swiss government. Nevine has recently earned a Certificate in Strategic Management and Innovation from the Copenhagen Business school within the Next Technology Leaders Initiative. Nevine is active in counselling and Child Online Protection among other things.   
Florence Tunzi  
Human Resources Officer & Gender Focal Point, TSB, ITU

Ms. Tunzi is a strategic HR professional with 15 years of experience in financial management, human resources and strategy. Her previous employers include BMO Financial Group, CI Investments Inc. and IQON Financial Management Inc., in Canada. Florence holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) degree in Finance from the University of Manitoba, Canada, an MBA (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Geneva, Switzerland and a post graduate diploma in Strategic HR Management from Cornell University, USA.