Committed to connecting the world

Universal Broadband Connectivity


"Tech is racing ahead and billions of people are being left behind. Our task is to invest in affordable broadband, digital skills, and everything that makes connectivity meaningful​." 

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU Secretary-General and Co-vice Chair of the Broadband Commission​ 

The UN Broadband Commission

Broadband commissioners group photo

The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is a public-private partnership fostering digital cooperation and developing actionable recommendations for achieving universal connectivity. 

Established in 2010 by ITU, UNESCO, H.E. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, and Mr. Carlos Slim Helú of Mexico, the Commission is composed of around 50 Commissioners who represent a cross-cutting group of top CEO and industry leaders, senior policy-makers and government representatives, and experts from international agencies, academia and organizations concerned with development.​​

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State of Broadband

State of broadband

The State of Broadband annual report is a unique, global snapshot of broadband network access and affordability. Written through a consensus-driven framework and drawing on the insights of the Commission's high-level, multistakeholder membership, the report provides: 

  1. a snapshot of global progress on reaching universal connectivity;
  2. updates on the 2025 Broadband Advocacy Targets; and 
  3. impact stories from Commissioners on the actions needed to reach universal connectivity. 

The 2023 Report, Digital Connectivity: A Transformative Opportunity, examines the shift from supply-driven to demand-driven communication access, providing insights into the financing and funding considerations required to support the next stage of connectivity for digital transformation​.


Working Groups

logos-02.png Working Groups are at the heart of the work being done at the Broadband Commission. With more than 30 groups to date, the Broadband Commission's Working Groups convene industry leaders, government officials and civil society to address prominent issues affecting broadband access, affordability and use. Working Groups are proposed, chaired and led by Commissioners, with the support of external experts. ​

2023 Working Groups explored Data for Learning and Connectivity for MSMEs 

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Universal Connectivity Manifesto

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The Universal Connectivity Manifesto calls on the global community to recognize digital connectivity as the foundational element of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Manifesto affirms the commitment of the Broadband Commission to mobilize efforts to achieve the 'Global Goal of Universal Connectivity' in support of the UN Secretary-General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation and other connectivity initiatives.