Committed to connecting the world

Gender Equality and Mainstreaming Policy (GEM)

gemtech1.jpgITU- UN Women GEM-TECH Awards

The annual GEM-TECH Awards celebrate exceptional personal or institutional achievements and innovative strategies that harness information and communication technologies ​(ICTs) for women's empowerment. It is the only international prize of its kind.

Launched in 2014 by ITU in partnership with UN Women, the awards throw a spotlight on the tremendous power of new technologies to transform the lives of women everywhere by giving them access to education, information, support networks, employment opportunities, healthcare and more. The GEM-TECH Awards showcase women's engagement with ICTs, including as producers and decision-makers in the technology sector.

Women's digital empowerment and their full participation in the information society is a key objective of ITU and UN Women.In the context of the new UN framework for sustainable development, ITU and UN Women believe the use of ICTs should be prioritized in the Sustainable Development Goals as an important means of implementing gender equality commitments.​


GEM-TECH Awards editions: