Committed to connecting the world

Council 2015 Highlights

​​​​Issue N°8, 21 May 201​5: Council 15 wraps up – one day early!
At lunchtime on Wednesday 20 May, there was an information session on ITU Loan and Secondment Programme. The ITU management has established a standard framework for the conclusion of Loan/Secondment Agreements of personnel to ITU and sets out guiding principles that govern such Agreements, through a consistent and harmonized approach, whilst offering the flexibility required to meet the specific needs of ITU and its counterparts, as required...

​​​​Issue N°7, 20 May 201​5: ADM, ADM, ADM, all the way...
The afternoon of Tuesday 19 May started with an information session on the ITU Website and Database on Projects. The meeting was hosted by BDT, with the presentation of the newly designed website and related database being made by the Chief of the Projects and Knowledge Management Department, Cosmas Zavazava.​..

 Issue N​°6, 19 May 2015: From the Internet of Things to the Digital Switchover to Space Assets and more…
In the first of a new series of ITU Talks, held during the lunch break on Monday 18 May, a two-hour information session on emerging trends towards Connect 2020, focusing on the Internet of Things (IoT) proved very popular with Councillors, observers and ITU Staff. The moderator, plus four visionary speakers from Samsung, Telecom Italia, Gartner and CNRI, presented their perspectives on new emerging trends in IoT...

Issue N°5, 18 May 2015: Celebrating ITU 150 – between busy, busy sessions at ITU Council
The Standing Committee on Administration and Management (ADM) continued its work on Friday afternoon, continuing on the basis of the time management plan. The Secretariat presented the Report on the status of After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI) liability,  C15/46, stating that the ASHI-related obligation as of 31 December 2014 amounts to CHF 512.7 million.  The cost to the Union has significantly increased as a result of the augmentation in the number of retirees, the majority of whom reside in the Geneva area...

Issue N°4, 15 May 2015: ADM, SMEs, ITU 150, CWGs, and other TLAs
The Standing Committee on Administration and Management (ADM) continued its work on Thursday afternoon, continuing to work on the basis of the time management plan C15/TD3. The Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, François Rancy, took the floor to address the issues raised in the third plenary by several Councillors concerning the reduction in the number of posts in BR...

Issue N°3, 14 May 2015: ADM approves the budget; plenary addresses WSIS, COP, Internet activities and more…
The Standing Committee on Administration and Management (ADM) started its work on the afternoon of the second day of Council 2015 (Wednesday 13 May), with Marcin Krasuski from Poland as Chair, and Vernita Harris from the United States as Vice-Chair, basing its work on the time management plan...

Issue N°2, 13 May 2015: Operational Plans, ITU Headquarters, and … the budget!
The second day of Council 2015 started with an information session on WSIS, focusing on the 2015 WSIS Forum, which will be taking place in Geneva from 25 to 29 May, immediately after Council. This year's Forum is aimed at enhancing cooperation, partnership and innovation, and the exchange of experiences and good practices. More than 1,500 stakeholders from over 140 countries are expected to attend, including more than 100 ministers, ambassadors, and heads of agencies, as well as many CEOs and high level representatives from the private sector, civil society and academia...

Issue N°1, 12 May 2015: Council 2015 gets down to business
ITU’s governing Council opened its annual session under the Chairmanship of Mr Wonki Min of the Republic of Korea. “This Council session is extremely meaningful for all of us because we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of ITU,” said Mr Min, in his opening address. “For a century and half, the Union has strived to enhance the lives of citizens around the world through the application of ICT – from telegraphy to more modern technologies, such as satellites, mobile phones and the Internet.”...

The Council Highlights are provided as a service to ITU Member State Administrations. They are not official documents, and do not provide a substitute for the Summary Record; we nonetheless hope that Member State Administrations will find them useful and informative.