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Name : DIMOVA, Anelia
Date : August 29, 2024
Organization : Ministry of e-governance
Country : Bulgaria
Job Title : Expert

Contribution : ​​2024 is an important year for the EU to consolidate and spread its commitment to an open internet and a functioning multi-stakeholder internet governance model . Important events such as the Global Digital Compact (GDC) (part of the Future Summit), the preparations for the World Summit on the Information Society+20 (WSIS+20) in 2025, which will define the development of the Internet are coming Key Commitments - Strengthen multilateral and multi-stakeholder commitment to address discriminatory content as well as false and misleading content at all levels, particularly within the United Nations and with other international and regional organizations, for transparent and accountable content management frameworks, which protects freedom of expression and improves the availability of accurate and reliable information in the public sphere, while fully respecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Governance of Virtual Worlds Ensuring that everyone has access to all key public services online across the Union A key focus is building trust in the digital ecosystem Introduction of liability criteria for discrimination and misleading content Platforms must mitigate the risks Promoting digital literacy Promoting the regulation of artificial intelligence/AI Digital transformation in Bulgaria Confederation of employers and industrials in Bulgaria/ CRIB's opinion as a member of the ICT Community Advisory Board in the Ministry of e-governance

Attachments : cwg consult august24 final1.pdf