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More information about the Terms of Reference

  1. ​On the basis of contributions submitted by Member States, Sector Members and inputs from the Directors of the Bureaux if necessary, the EG-ITRs shall undertake a review of the 2012 ITRs, taking into account new trends in telecommunications/ICT, emerging issues and obstacles that may arise from the implementation of the 2012 ITRs and WCIT-12 Resolutions and Recommendations.  ​​​​​
  2. ​​The​​ review should include among others:
    1. ​​​​an examination of the 2012 ITRs to determine its applicability in a rapidly evolving international telecommunication environment, taking into account technology, services and existing multilateral and international legal obligations as well as changes in the scope of domestic regulatory regimes;
    2. Legal analyses of the 2012 ITRs;​​
    3. Analyses of any potential conflicts between the obligations of signatories to the 2012 ITRs and​ signatories to the 1988 ITRs with respect to implementation of the provisions of the 1988 and the 2012 ITRs.
  3. ​​The EG-ITRs will present a progress report to Council 2017 and a final report to Council 2018 for examination and submission to the 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference with the Council's comments.