Committed to connecting the world

APPT Stephan, Pinsent Masons LLP

Appt_Stephan_photo.jpgDr. Stephan Appt, partner at international law firm Pinsent Masons, has considerable experience in commercial, intellectual property and information technology law matters, with a particular focus on the Automotive & IT sectors. He has advised extensively on legal matters arising in respect of high-profile user connectivity initiatives/product lines, including advice on the development and distribution of the underlying car2car and car2X connectivity functionalities, privacy law requirements where processing personal data in the course of connectivity operations, (particularly the use of 'big data' systems), regulatory aspects (telecoms) concerning the underlying machine-to-machine (m2m) communications, 'frontend' aspects (such as e-commerce requirements for the on-line sale of connectivity services) and associated sourcing agreements (including managed services supporting the connectivity 'backend').