Committed to connecting the world

BÖHM Martin, Austria Tech

Martin_Bohm_photo.jpgMartin Böhm works as Head of Unit “Mobility Systems and ITS Deployment” at AustriaTech, a federal agency for technological measures, where he provides to the Austrian Transport Ministry policy support in ITS related issues. In this respect he represents Austria as national expert at the European Commission for specification related issues with regard to the ITS Directive.

He is coordinator of several European projects in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems including research, development as well as deployment activities. Hereby the evolution of the mobility system based on general trends (e.g. Internet of Things, Automation) is one of his key interests. Martin’s main expertise is bringing research in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services to real deployments.

He holds a master in the field of Geography and a master in the field of Traffic Telematics Management.