Committed to connecting the world

FNC-2018 Steering Committee

RussT. Russell SHIELDS
Ygomi LLC

Russ Shields is Chair of Ygomi. Mr Shields is a Board Member of the ITS World Congress, founding Board Member of ITS America, former Chair of the TRB Communications Committee, former Convener of ISO/TC204/WG16, and Co‑Chair of the ITU Collaboration on ITS Communications Standards​​​. Mr Shields is also a member of the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board, a Presidential advisory committee. He received the 1998 SAE‑Delco Electronics ITS Award, was named an SAE Fellow in 2007, was inducted into the inaugural class of ITS America’s Hall of Fame in 2008, and was named the inaugural U.S. member of the ITS World Congress Hall of Fame in 2010. ​In 2008, to recognize his more than 40 years defining new industries, the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business awarded him the Distinguished Alumni Award in Entrepreneurship.  
RogerRoger C. LANCTOT
Strategy Analytics

Roger is Director, Automotive Connected Mobility in the Global Automotive Practice at Strategy Analytics, and is an advisor to the L.A. Auto Show Automobility forum, the International Telecommunications Union, and the World Wide Web Consortium.  Roger draws on 25+ years' experience in the technology industry as an analyst, journalist and consultant. Roger is a graduate of Dartmouth College.  
StefanoStefano POLIDORI
Stefano Polidori holds a Master Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy, and a Master of Science in Engineering with specialization in Mobile Communication from Aalborg University, Denmark. After few years in the private sector, working as system analyst in the electronic warfare business, he joined the ITU in 2004. He was responsible for the organization of the ITU Kaleidoscope academic conferences until 2010. In 2011 he moved to the Study Groups Department of the ITU Standardization Sector, Stefano is currently Advisor and responsible for the technical secretariat of ITU-T Study Group 9 "Television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks" and is engaged in video and broadband standardization activities over multimedia and related technologies. He is also responsible for the organization of the Symposium on the Future Networked Car @ the Geneva International Motor Show and is the focal point in ITU-T for Intelligent Transport Systems. In addition, Stefano is the ITU representative to the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardization at the European Commission. In ITU Stefano covered various positions including Advisor for Study Group 11 "Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications" (2011-2017) and for Internet of Things (2007- 2015) and software-defined networking (2013-2017) related activities. Also, Stefano supported the Workshops and Promotion division (2004-2008). Stefano is a professional event organizer having organized many international workshops, conferences and standards committee meetings on various topics and have delivered technical presentations at international events all over the world.
FrancoisFrançois E. GUICHARD

Francois E. Guichard is the Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Driving focal point of the United Nations (UNECE) and is supervising the activities on technical regulations related to vehicle automation and vehicle connectivity. Previously, he worked as line manager at Daimler AG, he advocated for the introduction of Advance Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS) in the legislation (a relevant contribution for increasing road safety). Before that, he advised a number of Countries on their strategies to tackle environmental issues after having gained experience as a noise / GHG / pollutants emission testing engineer. He started his career as International Management Associate at Mercedes-Benz, gaining experience in Germany, South Africa and in the United States of America.
ReinhardReinhard SCHOLL

Reinhard Scholl is Deputy to the Director of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (also known as the ITU-T Secretariat). Previously he has been with Siemens in Munich, Germany and with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois, USA. He also served on the ICANN Board.
WalterWalter NISSLER

Walter Nissler is Chief of the Vehicle Regulations and Transport Innovations Section of the Transport Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Before, he worked for six years at the European Commission in the area of road safety and for twenty years in national administration dealing with vehicle testing and type approval. His educational background is mechanical engineering with a University degree in vehicle engineering.
FredFrederic WERNER

Fred is a seasoned Association Management professional with a passion for telecommunications specializing in strategic communications, community building, and international relations. Fred is currently responsible for Communications and Membership for ITU's standardization bureau. Previously, he was the Communications & Program Director for ETIS – The Global IT Association for Telecommunications. Fred is deeply involved with innovation, digital transformation, financial inclusion, 5G and AI via numerous ICT industry projects, working groups, and events he has developed. He has also been credited with helping the telecom industry create a pan-European community of cyber-security experts. Fred has a B.A. in Business & Human Resources Management, a Minor in Communications, an MBA in International Business and a Technical MBA in Managing Telecoms Technology. Previously he worked in the Conformity Assessment sector and was involved in numerous EU development projects. Fred is an avid global traveler and has lived in many diverse countries including the United Kingdom, Belgium, Senegal, Turkey, Austria, Philippines, Switzerland, and Hungary giving him a unique global viewpoint.