Committed to connecting the world

Planning for IoT Networks


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​​International Telecommunication Union organized a face-to-face training on Planning Internet of things (IoTs) networksheld in Bandung, Indonesia, from 25 to 28 September 2018. The event is being kindly hosted by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Indonesia and is also supported by the Department of Communications and the Arts, Australia.


The event is planned as an activity to address the expected outcomes of the Regional Initiatives determined by WTDC-17 for Asia-Pacific regional under the Buenos Aires Action plan (BaAP) and has been designed to further develop the technical capacity of staff from policy makers, regulators, industry and Academia. The key targetted ares for the training include amongst others

  • IoT network planning and roadmap
  • IoT technology and architectures
  • IoT standards and security
  • IoT strategy and application in Smart Sustainable City


  1. Language: The training will be delivered in English only
  2. Registration: To register for the training, participants are kindly requested to complete the online registration form CLOSED​​ 

​Program an​d Presentations


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