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​Media Advisory- ​Press Conference: Leveraging innovative tech...

Press Conference: Leveraging innovative tech to fast-forward achievement of the SDGs 

SDG Lab, ITU, UNICEF, WHO present real-time examples of using tech to improve lives, and launch of 20+ UN leaders' visions

Geneva, 12 July 2017

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are changing how the world responds to humanity's greatest challenges. Artificial intelligence, big data, FinTech, eHealth, and digital connectivity are increasingly providing individuals around the world with access to such vitally important resources as employment opportunities, online banking and healthcare. United Nations leaders are increasingly looking to ICTs to fast-forward efforts to achieve all 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Join experts to hear their perspectives and learn about real-time examples of how innovative technology is being used for social good—timed to coincide with the High Level Political Forum in New York City, during which progress on several SDGs is being assessed and 44 countries will present their national voluntary reviews.
Where: Room III, UN Palais

When: 2pm, Thursday, 13 July 2017

What: The SDG Lab, ITU, UNICEF and WHO will present perspectives on and examples of using innovative technologies to achieve the SDGs.


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