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ITU to host leading symposium on ICT Statistics

Flagship report to be released, world experts attending

Geneva, 30 November 2018

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is set to host the 18th ​World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS)​ from 10 to 12 December 2018, at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

WTIS serves as the main international forum to discuss policies and data related to information and communication technology (ICT) developments worldwide.

WTIS-18 will bring together senior government officials, including heads of national telecom/ICT regulatory authorities and national statistical offices, heads of international organizations, chief executive officers of private sector companies, lead academics and ICT data producers and analysts from around the world.

The symposium will feature a high-level panel to discuss the impact of telecommunications/ICTs and emerging technologies on social and economic development. There will also be interactive debates and discussions on topics such as: measuring progress in the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and the Internet of Things. The symposium will also focus on ICT skills for the future, new data needs for the digital economy, smart data for smart ICT regulation and policy-making, and the affordability of ICT services.   

During WTIS-18, ITU will release its annual flagship statistics publication, the Measuring the Information Society Report which, now in its 10th edition, is renowned for its impartiality and analytical breadth.

For this event, UN press accreditation is valid. Both non-UN and UN-accredited media are kindly requested to confirm their attendance to

What:   ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium

​When: ​10 to 12 December 2018

Where: ITU Headquarters, Geneva

Why: Launch of the Measuring the Information Society Report. Opportunity to hear from and interview top international speakers from the ICT industry and the global ICT analyst community.

Who: Experts from the global statistical community, ICT analysts and ICT regulatory agencies, policymakers, C-level executives from the private sector, and senior officials from UN agencies.

Join the conversation on social media with the hashtags #ITUWTIS and #ITUdata

For more information, please visit the WTIS-18 website