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Members Communiqué

Digital Skills Insights: ITU publication examines the impact of digital technologies on education and digital skills development

Capacity building is critical for the attainment of all Sustainable Development Goals

Geneva, 03 September 2019

​​ITU has released the third edition of its flagship publication on capacity building, which focuses on pertinent topics related to capacity and skills development in the digital technology environment.

The Digital Skills Insights publication, previously known as “Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment", features eight articles from international experts. The articles illustrate how developments in automation and artificial intelligence are impacting the education sector and offer a critical and analytical approach towards capacity and skills development.  

“Capacity building is a cross-cutting issue, and it is critical for the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals," says Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General. “I wish to thank the various experts for their research and contribution. The articles are to contribute to the ongoing global discussions on how we can bring technology closer to people."

“Building human and institutional capacity is at the centre of our support to our membership, so that people everywhere can be empowered to acquire the necessary digital skills they need to participate and flourish in the digital economy," says Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. “This publication is a resource for all stakeholders in the ICT sector, looking for ways to address the future demand for digitally skilled citizens."

Digital Skills Insights draws some thought-provoking conclusions, such as the need to think critically about the human context of current technological challenges and the opportunities presented by the ICT savviness of young people that could be used to drive the agenda on the development of digital skills.

​The topics covered in this edition are:
  • Ways to support digitally competent citizens
  • Liberal arts in the context of automation and artificial intelligence
  • How human and computing capacity can partner for social impact
  • Rethinking capacity building in the digital era: The African context
  • Addressing the challenges of teaching the Internet of Things
  • Case studies from India, Indonesia and Thailand on skills shortages and mismatch in the ICT labour market
  • Achieving digital transformation in Small Island Developing States
  • ICT capacity building, economic opportunities and brain drain

The publication is available on the ITU Academy platform.