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ITU brings together leaders in artificial intelligence and humanitarian action to leverage AI for good

Virtual and on-site press briefing to be held on 28 May 2019, 13:00 CEST

Geneva, 24 May 2019

​​​​The 3rd annual AI for Good Global Summit, 28-31 May 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, is to identify practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The 2019 edition will highlight AI's value in advancing education, healthcare and wellbeing, social and economic equality, space research, and smart and safe mobility. It will propose actions to assist high-potential AI solutions in achieving global scale. It will host debates around unintended consequences of AI, as well as AI's relationship with art and culture. A 'learning day' will bring together potential AI adopters with leading AI experts and educators.

The AI for Good Global Summit is the leading United Nations platform for inclusive dialogue on AI. It is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, in partnership with the XPRIZE Foundation and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

​Over 300 summit speakers have been confirmed to date, including:​​​
  • Jim Hagemann Snabe – Chairman, Siemens
  • Cédric Villani – AI advisor to the President of France
  • Jean-Philippe Courtois – President of Global Operations, Microsoft
  • Anousheh Ansari – CEO, XPRIZE Foundation, Space Ambassador
  • Yves Daccord – Director General, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Yan Huang – Director AI Innovation, Baidu
  • Timnit Gebru – Head of AI Ethics, Google
  • Vladimir Kramnik – World Chess Champion
  • Vicki Hanson – CEO, ACM​
  • Ray Kurzweil – leading inventor, world-renowned​ futurist and author of The Singularity Is Near

Please visit the summit prog​ramme for more information on the latest speakers, breakthrough sessions and panels. More information available at All sessions of the AI for Good Global Summit will be webcast.

WHAT: Virtual and on-site press briefing (in English).

Live captioning will be provided to remote participants. The transcript of the press briefing will be published on the ITU Media Centre after the briefing.

WHEN: 28 May 2019, 13:00 CEST


WHERE: International Conference Centre Geneva (CIC​G), Room 18, 17 Rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland.

Media wishing to attend in person must register online by clicking here.

UN-accredited and non-UN media must have an event badge to access the CICG (UN Press accreditation remains valid at the ITU premises).

How to participate virtually​
  • Media are invited to register to participate virtually using Adobe Connect by sending their name, media outlet and press credential to with the subject line: AI for Good Virtual Participation.

  • Only registered media will be emailed the link to the press briefing.

  • ​Media will be able to add questions in real-time via chat. Not all questions may be addressed due to the press briefing's time constraints (60 minutes). Media are strongly advised to email their questions in advance to by Monday 27 May so that we can try to get these addressed by the speakers.

Don't miss what others are saying on social media by searching for the hashtag #AIforGood and follow @ITU for Summit updates.​