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Members Communiqué

Digital Skills Assessment Guidebook

ITU today launched the Digital Skills Assessment Guidebook, a comprehensive and practical step-by-step tool for national digital skills assessments

Geneva, 28 May 2020

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU today launched the Digital Skills Assessment Guidebook​, a comprehensive and practical step-by-step tool for national digital skills assessments.

The Guidebook assists Member States to determine the existing national supply of digital skills, to assess skills demand from industry and other sectors to identify skills gaps, and to develop policies to address future digital skills requirements.

“COVID-19 has revealed startling digital divides between and among countries," said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “Now more than ever, we need to work together across borders and sectors to ensure that people everywhere, including our youth, have the tools and skills they need to navigate and succeed in today's digital economy and society."

The Guidebook, which draws on and complements the ITU Digital Skills Toolkit published in 2018, is designed for use by policy-makers and other stakeholders, such as partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations and academia, who may need to undertake skills assessments at the national level.

“As necessary digital skills continue to grow in number and complexity, countries are in need of well-structured approaches to identify current digital skills levels and manage future requirements," said Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. “Furthermore, COVID-19 has highlighted with more urgency the digital skills divide. The Guidebook will assist countries, especially in the developing world, to undertake national digital skills assessments to determine their current digital skills levels as well as their current and future digital skills requirements."

Digital skills are fast becoming essential for people to navigate ordinary day-to-day activities such as using a mobile phone to transfer money to family members via digital financial services, using the Internet for remote education and to research, prepare and deliver coursework, and acquiring basic skills for staying safe online. In the workplace, digital skills are required for an ever-growing number of jobs, and even in traditionally manual sectors like agriculture, digital applications are beginning to make inroads, with a corresponding requirement for some level of digital literacy.

The guidebook comprises the following five chapters:

​This guidebook also serves as a contribution to the ITU-ILO Digital Skills for Jobs Campaign, which is part of the ILO Decent Jobs for Youth initiative launched in 2016. The campaign aims to boost youth employment through digital skills by incentivizing and encouraging partners to commit to deliver digital skills training to young people, particularly in the developing world. ​