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Mapping ICT infrastructure and financial inclusion in Mexico

Can you imagine what life would be like without a bank account? This is the daily reality of more than 1 billion ‘unbanked’ adults worldwide. Access to transaction accounts clears a path to broader financial inclusion, meaning people and businesses can make financial transactions more efficiently and safely. That could look like accessing funds more easily, making payments more securely, building credit, accumulating savings, investing in the future, or coping with economic shocks.

No matter the financial goal, access to a transaction account is a crucial first step that enables participation in the digital economy, and is a critical building block for digital development.

Universal financial inclusion is the main aspiration of the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative. Led by ITU, the World Bank Group and the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, and with financial support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, FIGI is a three-year programme of collective action to advance research in digital finance and accelerate digital financial inclusion. Part of ITU’s mandate as part of FIGI is the delivery of implementation solutions, including deep topical analyses and practical investigations, all working towards the goal of universal financial access by 2020. In addition to Mexico, the initiative is currently funding national implementations in China and Egypt. More financial inclusion solutions coming from ITU Stay tuned for future developments from the ITU team working on digital financial inclusion, including a beta GIS application to implement the concept of a Financial Connectivity Index, and a cost estimation tool for network deployment. The team is also working on geo-based financial inclusion indicators for coming developments, with the aim of supporting ICT infrastructure decisions and creating a bigger impact on the ground. Solutions like the ICT Infrastructure Map and Financial Inclusion for Mexico are being developed by the Development Sector (ITU-D) in a way that can be easily used by other ITU Members to bring about reliable connectivity to all.


Image credit: Roman Lopez via Unsplash

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