Committed to connecting the world

Virtual presentation of the App “Mi IFT: Herramientas para usuarios” (My IFT: User tools)

Remarks by Malcolm Johnson, ITU Deputy Secretary-General​

Virtual Presentation of the App "Mi IFT: Herramientas para usuarios" (My IFT: User tools)

10 June 2021 - Virtual Meeting

Buenos días a todos.

En primer lugar, muchas gracias al Presidente del IFT Adolfo Cuevas Teja por su invitación a participar en este evento. 

Es un placer volver a estar con ustedes.

Ahora, permítame continuar en inglés.

I am pleased to be joining you for the second time in just a few months to lend our support to the new innovative tools that empower Mexican consumers of telecommunication services at a time when they need it the most.

These services have become an important part of the fabric of our lives, and even more so in the age of COVID-19 where hundreds of millions around the world have taken to online platforms the likes of “Mi vacuna” and “Aprende en casa” in Mexico to secure vaccine appointments, attend remote classes or simply keep in touch with loved ones. 

In this increasingly digital world, consumers are often left with the difficult and sometimes confusing decision to work out which telecommunication services best meet their requirements and at a cost they can meet. High costs for Internet access relative to income remain one of the main barriers to the use of ICT services worldwide. Today’s new IFT app enables consumers’ rights, helps boost competition and ultimately leads to lower costs and improved service quality.

Navigating this new world also requires a specific set of digital skills and tools, and of course consumers need to trust the technology. As I said the last time we met, trust and cybersecurity are central to ITU activities. For example, ITU has been working with Mexico within the framework of the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative (FIGI) to advance research in key areas of digital finance such as the relationship between digital ID and financial inclusion. Mexico provides a valuable case study for other countries around the world, and I take this opportunity to draw your attention to the FIGI Symposium 2021 that is currently taking place online until 24 June. Participation is free of charge and open to all, so I hope that you will join the discussion about the future of digital financial inclusion. 

As we look to recovery, we must ensure that all countries can overcome the remaining barriers to connection and leave no one behind, or else we will fail to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Yet for too many people, telecommunication services can be too costly, not trustworthy enough, or not relevant enough. These consumers may not always have the right information, the right digital skills, or the right protection in place to use these services. Not to mention the worrying gaps in connectivity and Internet access that persist in rural areas, even in countries like Mexico where more than 95 percent of the population has a mobile-cellular subscription. 

These are the barriers that keep almost half of the world’s population from using the Internet, the very ones that the IFT user tools seek to overcome. My congratulations on the development and implementation of such useful tools to bring about positive change to people’s lives. Not only will this benefit Mexico’s digital economy, it will also help empower the Mexican people at a time when digital technologies and services are more important than ever. 

COVID-19 has laid bare how interconnected and interdependent we all are, and that we are never as strong as when we collaborate and cooperate with each other. I am proud to say that Mexico has been a strong and enduring partner of ITU for over a century and a Member of ITU’s Council since 1952. Today’s new app and other recently launched IFT user tools such as “Conozco mi consumo”, which was one of the nominees at this year’s WSIS Prizes, are a testament to Mexico’s commitment to digital empowerment.

At ITU we look forward to continuing our excellent collaboration with Mexico and IFT to empower consumers of telecommunication services and ensure everybody has access to ICTs that are safe, attractive and affordable, in Mexico and elsewhere.

Finalmente, mis felicitaciones de nuevo por el lanzamiento de estas plataformas. 

Es un placer ver cómo Mexico está desarrollando un cambio positivo en sus comunidades.

Muchas gracias.