Page 968 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 968

6                                                    Monitoring

            See Table 7-14.

                          Table 7-14 – Parameters collected for monitoring web service performance

                       Metric name                            Description                        Unit

                                              Number of service request that a web service can
             throughput                                                                        request/s
                                              complete in a given period of time
                                              Number of new connection users servicing per
             users                                                                               user/s
                                              Average number of transactions processed per
             transactions per second                                                          transaction/s
                                              Number of new transmission control protocol (TCP)
             connection rate                                                                     link/s
                                              connections setting up per second
                                              The time duration from receiving the request to the
             response time                    web service to sending the response from the web    ms
             round trip time                  Time from sending SYN to receiving SYN ACK          ms
             TCP setting up time              Average time of TCP link setting up
                                              Number of TCP connections setting up between
             simultaneous connections                                                            link/s
                                              client and server
             cumulative transactions          Total number of transactions processing processed   transaction

            7.3     Access layer parameters

            Principally, access control involves the authentication of a user through the presentation and validation of
            credentials, followed by the authorization of this authenticated user to use specific services. Associated with
            this is identity management. Access behaviour and management events should be monitored for the access

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