Page 195 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 195

Industry-driven digital transformation

           More qualitative results are illustrated in Figure 7 below.

                                                                     (a) Ground truth    (b) Reconstructed HR image
                                                                                        (PSNR/SSIM = 22.65/0.4868)
                                     HR         Bi-cubic       EDSR
                                      -/-      11.91/.2758 13.34/.5100

                   Img_011         SRMDNF    RCAN         BSR    (c) Difference by L2 norm   (d) Difference by Lp norm
                                 12.75/.4439 12.79/.4482 16.43/.7702
                                                                  Figure 8 – Reconstructed image vs. ground truth,
                                                                               calculated norms

                                                              To  further  illustrate  the  effectiveness  of  Lp  norm,  we
                                                              continue  to  train  with  25  epochs  based  on  the  results  of
                                                              Figure  8(b).  As  depicted  in  Figure  9,  two  object  function
                                                              combinations  are  evaluated,  L1 + L2  (left)  and  L1 + Lp
                                                              (right). As can be seen, L1 + Lp norm presents slightly better
                                     HR         Bi-cubic       EDSR    results (0.01dB in PSNR and 0.0027 in SSIM) as compared
                                     -/-      13.38/.1687 14.09/.3563   with L1 + L2 norm, which proves that Lp norm is better in
                                                              discovering texture details.


                                    SRMDNF   RCAN         BSR
                                 14.01/.3361 15.34/.5345 19.63/.8027

                       Figure 7 – Qualitative results               Left: L1 + L2 norm     Right: L1 + Lp norm
                                                                (PSNR/SSIM = 22.73/0.4988)   (PSNR/SSIM = 22.74/0.5015)
           4.3    Ablation Study
                                                              Figure 9 – Training with two object function combinations
           As shown in Figure 8, (a) is the ground truth from Set14. (b)
           is the reconstructed HR image trained with 25 epochs and the   In  order  to  investigate  the  effect  of  each  block  in  the
           object function is (L1 + L2) norm. The differences between   proposed BSR, we perform five experiments and compare
           ground  truth  and  the  reconstructed  HR  image  can  be   their  difference  as  illustrated  in  Table  4.  The  results  are
           measured either by L2 norm that is illustrated in (c), or Lp   obtained on the Set5 data set (×4 scale).
           (p=0.5) norm that is shown in (d). We can see that Lp norm
           presents a more significant difference as Lp norm is more   The baseline is our full-fledged model, which contains 10
           sensitive to image texture detail differences.     FMGs and 12 RBs for each FMG as described in Figure 5.
                                                              It’s trained with RFS and L2/L1/Lp joint object function.

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