Page 69 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          on  the  basis  of  this  information.  This  way,  every   Ideally, assessment should include continuous and
          student can have their own personalized learning     objective  measurements  of  how  students  are
          experience.                                          progressing  toward  targeted  goals  without  the
                                                               student  being  aware  of  the  assessment.  This  has
          The evaluation of intelligent tutoring systems like
          AutoTutor  has  been  positive.  In  a  series  of   been aptly called stealth assessment [49].
          experiments  the  learning  gains  of  students      There has been an increasing amount of evidence
          interacting  with  the  intelligent  tutoring  system   that  demonstrates  the  learning  process  can  be
          were on a par with those of human tutors, which      measured  non-intrusively,  online,  and  objectively
          were significantly better than those after students   using  sensing  technologies  [48,  50].  Sensing
          studied a textbook on the same topic [43, 44].       technologies  consist  of  sensors  which  are  able  to
                                                               measure neurophysiological, cognitive and affective
          Yet,  despite  the  promise  of  these  systems,  their   processes. These sensors include, for example eye-
          embodiment has  generally been that of a cartoon     tracking,  recordings  of  language  and  speech,
          character with very rudimentary facial expressions   measures  of  head  movements  and  measures  of
          and  gestures  and  highly  computerized  speech     heart    rate   or   brain   activity   such   as
          synthesis, with written input from the student.
                                                               electroencephalography (EEG). They are thought to
          Modern  day  techniques  such  as  photogrammetry    be  able  to  detect  changes  in  how  information  is
          (which generates a 3D model from pictures) now       processed  and  therefore  in  how  cognitively
          allow  us  to  scan  in  individuals,  in  the  case  of   demanding  a  task  is,  an  important  transition
          SpaceBuzz the astronaut of the respective country,   occurring during learning [51, 52]. Indeed, a recent
          and use artificial intelligence algorithms to animate   meta-analysis examining 113 experiments on non-
          the face and gestures of the agent in a natural way   invasive  neurophysiological  measures  of  learning
          so  that  it  becomes  hardly  distinguishable  from   demonstrated that these measures yield high effect
          human non-verbal behavior [45]. Developments in      sizes  and  are  valuable  for  assessing  learning.
          speech  recognition  allow  for  speech  input,  so  the   Additionally,  learning  analytics  and  educational
          conversation  becomes  more  natural,  and  speech   data mining has shown success in detecting affect
          synthesis allows for recreating the voice of an actual   related to learning gains [48, 53].
          individual   [46].   Computational     linguistic    As  technological  advancements  take  place,  we
          techniques in the meantime, allow for sophisticated   expect the validity and applicability of assessment
          syntactic  parsing,  distributional  semantics  and   through  sensing  technologies  to  increase.  For
          dialog management [47].                              example, solutions for (automatically) dealing with

          The  enhanced  embodiment  of  the  agent  provides   noise and advanced open software tools for aiding
          lots  of  promise  to  these  systems  in  the  field  of   in analyses of these types of datasets are available
          immersive  education.  AI  techniques  operate  the   and are being enhanced [54], even supporting real-
          non-verbal  and  verbal  behavior  of  the  intelligent   time  analysis  and  monitoring  [55].  As  another
          tutoring  system.  Machine  learning  mechanisms     example, wearable, portable, and compact sensors
          allow  these  systems  to  learn  over  time,  both   reduce  set-up  time  and  associated  costs,  and
          improving their conversational skills as well as their   increase comfort, making wearables very attractive
          knowledge and pedagogy.                              to apply for gaining insight in learning.
                                                               Taking  this  one  step  further,  embedding  sensing
          6.   LEARNING ANALYTICS                              technologies  in  learning  systems  could  progress

          Current  educational  practice  assesses  students   applicability  even  more.  Such  systems  have  the
          periodically, either without corrective measures, as   potential  to  assess  learning  states  and  provide
          in Bloom’s conventional learning, or with corrective   instantaneous  assistance  or  adaptation  of  the
          measures, as in Bloom’s mastery learning. There are   learning material based on the recorded data [56].
          a number of important  downsides to this current     As an example, Sood and Singh [57] have provided
          approach to assessment [48]: 1) It might interrupt   a framework on how to combine virtual reality and
          and  even  negatively  influence  learning;  2)  Little   measures  of  brain  activity  in  a  serious  game  for
          insight is provided into the learning process itself;   robust  and  resilient  learning  and  an  enhanced
          3)  When  assessment  demonstrates  suboptimal       learning experience.
          performance which would benefit from corrective
          procedures, intervening may already be (too) late.

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