Page 54 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

                                                                Element Manufacturer   Model   Parameter  Value
            Table 2 – Reference data for the simulation experiments
                    referred to MWE approach (Fig. 3)                                         Output      90-
          Element Manufacturer   Model   Parameter  Value                                     range     140GHz
                                        Input                                                 Input       20-
                                        frequency  4-11GHz                                    power     240mW
                                        range                                                 Harmonics  -20dBc
                                        Output                                                Frequency   65-
                                        frequency  8-22GHz                Eravant             range     120GHz
          MP2-1,    Analog   HMC573LC3  range                             (formerly    SBL-
           MP2-2    Devices                                       RFA2     SAGE    6531243550   Gain      35dB
                                        Typical                          Millimeter)          Noise figure   5dB
                                        output    12dBm
                                        power                                                 Bandpass    98-
                                                                                              frequencies  102GHz
                                        Typical F0   20dBc
                                        isolation                         Eravant     SWF-    Bandpass
                                        Bandpass   8.5-           BPF4    (formerly   10404340- loss      2dB
                                        frequencies  10.7GHz               SAGE       10-B1
                                        Bandpass                         Millimeter)          Low
                    Eravant             insertion   1dB                                       side/high   40/40dB
                   (formerly    SCF-                                                          side
           BPF1                         loss
                     SAGE     96222270                                                        rejection
                  Millimeter)           Low
                                        side/high   70/70dB
                                        side                      Table 3 – Reference data for the simulation experiments
                                        rejection                          referred to MWP approach (Fig. 4)
                                        Bandpass   16.94-       Element  Manufacturer   Model   Parameter   Value
                                        frequencies 17.34GHz                                  Wavelength   1525-
                    Eravant             Bandpass                                              range     1565nm
                   (formerly    SCF-    insertion   1.5dB                                     Output     80mW
           BPF2                         loss                                                  power
                     SAGE     17304240                            SLS     Teraxion     NLL
                  Millimeter)           Low                                                   Linewidth   10kHz
                                        side/high                                             Frequency   <2x10 4
                                        side     40/40dB                                      noise (1-  Hz Hz
                                        rejection                                             100kHz)
                                        Frequency   5.5-                                      Wavelength   1525-
                    Analog              response    18GHz                                     range     1605nm
            RFA             HMC1082LP4                                                        Insertion
                    Devices             Gain       22dB                                       loss        5dB
                                        OIP3      35dBm                                       Optical
                                        Input                    MZM1     ThorLabs   LN05S-FG  extinction   20dB
                                        frequency  11-23GHz                                   ratio
                                        range                                                 Bandwidth   35GHz
                                        Output                                                Maximum
                                        frequency  22-46GHz                                   RF power   24dBm
           MP2-3              HMC598    range
                    Devices                                                                   Frequency   0.1-6GHz
                                        Typical                                               range
                                        output    15dBm                                       Gain        13dB
                                        power                     EA1   Analog Devices  HMC637   P1dB
                                        Typical F0                                            output     29dBm
                                        isolation   20dBc                                     power
                                                                                              Noise figure   5dB
                                        Bandpass   30-40GHz
                                        frequencies                                           Wavelength   1575nm
                    Eravant             insertion   1dB                                       Bandwidth,  0-43 GHz
                   (formerly    SCF-                                    II-VI (formerly       Responsivity  0.6A/W
           BPF3                         loss                      PD1               BPDV2150
                     SAGE     35310340                                     Finisar)           Maximum
                  Millimeter)           Low                                                   Optical    16dBm
                                        side/high                                             Input
                                        side     40/40dB                                      Power
                                        rejection                                             Frequency   5.5-
                                        Input                                       HMC1082L  response   18GHz
                    Virginia                                      EA2   Analog Devices        Gain        22dB
           MP3                WR8.0x3   frequency  30-46GHz                             P4
                                        range                                                 OIP3       35dBm

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