Page 91 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

                               Kostas Kalaboukas, is Tech‑     His research and professional interests include security
                               nology Transfer and New Busi‑   and    privacy   protection,   software   engineering,
                               ness Development Manager at     middleware  and  distributed  systems,  as  well  as  the
                               Gruppo Maggioli and candidate   applications  of  semantic  ontologies  in  these   ields.  He
                               Ph.D student at the Technical   has more than 20 publications in international journals,
                               University of Crete. His research  conferences and books related to these areas, as well as
                               focuses on digital supply chains  contributions  to  the  MPEG‑21  and  MPEG‑Μ  ISO
                               and smart cities and has partici‑  standards.
          pated in many research projects in the past. He has stud‑
                                                                                     Salvatore  Quattropani,  re‑
          ied Production Engineering and Management at the Tech‑
                                                                                     ceived BSc. and MSc. degrees
          nical University of Crete (1991‑1996) and obtained an
                                                                                     in Computer Engineering in
          MSc in Total Quality Management at the University of Pi‑
                                                                                     2016 and 2017, respectively,
          raeus (2000). He has wide experience in business analy‑
          sis, quality assurance and management of complex soft‑                     from University of Catania,
          ware projects.                                                             Italy. Since August 2017 he is
                                                                                     with the Consorzio Nazionale
                               Aziz  S.  Mousas,  received  his                      Interuniversitario per le Tele‑
                               diploma  in  Applied  Mathemat‑   comunicazioni as a research engineer.  His research
                               ics  from  the  school  of  Applied   interests focus on IoT connectivity and computing
                               Mathematics and Physics of the   approaches.
                               National Technical University of
                               Athens  (NTUA)  in  2008,  and
                               his Dr.‑Ing.  degree in Electrical
                               and Computer Engineering from
         NTUA in 2014. He has participated in several European
         and  national  R&D  projects  as  a  researcher,  software
         engineer, project manager and ICT consultant.

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