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Strategies for the promotion of broadband services and infrastructure: a case study on Romania

Strategies for the promotion of broadband services and infrastructure: a case study on Romania
Year: 05.2012
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This case study aims to provide insights into efforts by the Government and the communications regulator to stimulate the development of broadband infrastructure and services in Romania. It covers the period 2007-2012 i.e., from the point of Romania's accession into the European Union (EU) on 1 January 2007 until today. This case study has been developed in the context of the activities of the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Digital Development, with the cooperation of ITU's Regulatory and Environment Division to address the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It underlines the importance of broadband and ICTs in achieving the MDGs and therefore aims to assist countries in meeting the Broadband Challenge and Broadband Targets 2015 adopted by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development in October 2011.

Table of contents

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