Committed to connecting the world

Membership activities

​​​​​“Connect 2030: ICTs for the Su​stainable Development Goals (SDGs)” gives ITU and its membership an opportunity to commemorate ICT’s contribution to the past and future advancement of the Information Society and to take a look at how technological progress in the coming decade will help accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will also allow ITU membership to focus on specific ICT-enabled solutions and emerging trends for fostering economic, environmental and social sustainability – key themes of both the Connect 2030 Agenda and SDGs.

We invite you to organize activities in your country and region to mark WTISD and promote the Connect 2030 Agenda to contribute to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.​

Send us your initiative! 

Worldwide i​nitiatives​