Comprometida para conectar al mundo


Vídeos inspiradores

​​​​Vídeos​​​​​​​ UIT



Geneva Girls in ICT Day 2018: Highlights Video



BBC WORLD News - Girls in ICT Day 2017 Interview

ITU INTERVIEWS: Dr Danguole Rutkauskiene

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Alice

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Afek

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Manami

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Ana

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Manon

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Anya

ITU INTERVIEWS: Girls In ICT Day 2017 - Jemima

Girls In ICT Event 2017 at Alfa

Girls in ICT Day 2017: Highlights Video

ITU VIDEO MESSAGE: Brahima Sanou, Director, BDT, ITU - Girls In ICT Day 2017 (Spanish)

ITU VIDEO MESSAGE: Brahima Sanou, Director, BDT, ITU - Girls In ICT Day 2017 (French)

ITU VIDEO MESSAGE: Brahima Sanou, Director, BDT, ITU - Girls In ICT Day 2017

ITU VIDEO MESSAGE: Brahima Sanou, Director, BDT, ITU - Girls In ICT Day 2017 (Arabic)

ITU VIDEO MESSAGE: Brahima Sanou, Director, BDT, ITU - Girls In ICT Day 2017 (Russian)  



Girls in ICT Day 2016 Workshop Highlights

ITU SG Video Message Girls in ICT Day 2016 (French)

ITU SG Video Message Girls in ICT Day 2016 (Spanish)

ITU SG Video Message Girls in ICT Day 2016 (Chinese)

ITU SG Video Message Girls in ICT Day 2016 (Arabic)

ITU SG Video Message Girls in ICT Day 2016 (English)

ITU SG Video Message Girls in ICT Day 2016 (Russian)​
International Girls in ICT Day 2016
Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model - Xiaoya Yang, Head, WTSA, Programmes Division, ITU. (Chinese)
Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model - Regina Valiullina, Academia Officer, ITU. (Russian)

Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model - Ilham Ghazi, Head, Broadcast. Serv. Div. ITU(Captioned: Arabic)  

Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model - Veronique Glaude, Snr. Radiocomms Eng., ITU (Captioned: French)

Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model - Lilian Marin, Telecomms. Engineer, ITU. (Captioned: Spanish)

Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model -Aurora Rubio, Head, ITU, Sth East Asia (Captioned: English)

Girls in ICT Day 2016 - Role Model - ChaliTumelo, ITU Representative, SA. (Captioned: English)


Janet Longmore, Digital Opportunity Trust​​​

Iram Tariq Bhatti, LabMagic​​​​​​​

Monique Morrow, Cisco​​

Video message from Marie Klawe, President of Harvey Mudd College​


International Girls in ICT Day 2014 Video


ITU VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: ITU Girls in ICT Day 2013 at ITU in Geneva

ITU celebrates GIRLS IN ICT DAY 2013 - Brussels, Belgium
International Girls in ICT Day 2013


ITU INTERVIEWS: Geena Davis, ITU 'Special Envoy for Women and Girls in ICT'
JOANNE O'RIORDAN @ ITU's Girls in ICT Day - New York CityVideo Message from the Secretary - General of the ITU for Girls in ICT Day 2012 _ ENGLISH

Women and Girls in ICT Information Session - Side Event @ WRC-12

Otros vídeos​ inspiradores  


Where Are The Women In Computing? 
(Planet Money | NPR)​​
Pitching Do's and Don'ts



Why I Code: Azrra

Reshma Saujani Teach girls bravery, not perfection  

Data Scientist Theresa Johnson: A she++ Short Film



Anne Bouverot Interview for Girls in ICT Day


Laina Greene for GirlsInICT Day 2015​​
(Laina Raveendran Greene)
(Code girl)

What message would you give to a girl interested in IT? - Marie Johnson #GirlsinICT
(Department of Communications and the Arts Australia)​
'What challenges are there for young girls interested in IT?' #GirlsinICT
(Department of Communications and the Arts Australia​)
What message would you give to a girl interested in IT? - HalaBatainah #GirlsinICT
(Department of Communications and the Arts Australia​)
'What message would you give to a young girl interested in IT?' #GirlsinICT
(Department of Communications and the Arts Australia​)

'Who inspired you to pursue a career in ICT?' #GirlsinICT
(Department of Communications and the Arts Australia​)


ICT-Go-Girls! Ana ​Freire, investigadora del Grupo de Ingeniería Telemática UDC​

​ICT-Go-Girls! Amparo Alonso Betanzos, presidenta Asoc. Española para la Inteligencia Artificial​


​ICT-Go-Girls! Sabela Ramos, investigadora del Grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores de la UDC

ICT-Go-Girls! Nieves Brisaboa, investigadora y profesora de la UDC


​ICT-Go-Girls! Marta Penas Centeno, Ingeniera de Microsoft

ICT-Go-Girls! Maica García, cofundadora de

ICT-Go-Girls! Traballadoras de Balidea animan ás rapazas a "Facerse TIC"

ICT-Go-Girls! Pilar González Méndez, CEO


​ICT-Go-Girls! Marta González Bugeiro, CEO


ICT-Go-Girls! Ángeles Delgado, directora general Fujitsu España

ICT-Go-Girls! Marta Martínez, Presidenta IBM España

ICT-Go-Girls! Helena Herrero, Managing Director HP Iberia

Girls Can Code - Abigail Sinclair - UltreyaLogisticsInc, Jamaica
(Nerissa Golden​)

Girls Can Code - Cherie Pounder, NTEK Design Solutions, Barbados
(Nerissa Golden​)

Girls Can Code - Roxanne Wanliss - MeAgoNow
(Nerissa Golden​)

Girls Can Code - Eva Wilson, DC
(Nerissa Golden​)

Girls Can Code - Angelica O'Donoghue - Antigua
(Nerissa Golden​)

Girls Can Code - Carol Ottley Mitchell, St Kitts/VA
(Nerissa Golden​)

Girls Can Code - Anita Davis, St Thomas
(Nerissa Golden​)

Día Internacional de las niñas en las TIC
(Mujeres Construyendo)​

YLDP members participated in Girls in ICT Day organized by Cisco in Dubai office
(Malih Al Yaman)

Get Inspired: Celebrating International Girls in ICT Day

Official trailer “She Started It”
(She Started It)​

Do women belong in ICT?
(The du Channel)
CODE teaser
(Finish Line Features, LLC)
Engineering the Future: WeTech (2013)
(Clinton Global Initiative)
Girls in ICT Day 2014, University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza​




The Hour of Code is here

Girls in ICT Day 2013
(U.S. Mission Geneva)​

Little Miss Geek - Wearable Tech Event
(Lady Geek TV)

Niñas en las TIC´s
(Mintel of Ecuador​)

she++: The Documentary​



This is Laura


Smart Girls of ICT
(Smart Communications, Inc.)​


Girls in a Tech World: Endless Possibilities of Computer Science
(Google for Education)

​​Cisco Connected Girls 2011





cisco engineer