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BDT Director's Speeches

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3rd Latin-American Telecommunications Congress
Cancún, México  15 July 2015



Mr. Brahima Sanou


3rd Latin-American Telecommunications Congress

Casamagna Marriot Hotel, Cancún, México

15 July 2015


Excellecy Mr. Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, Secretary of Communications and Transport, Mexico.

Mr. Roberto Borge Angulo, Governor of the State of Quintana Roo

Mrs. Mónica Aspe Bernal, SubSecretary of Communications  

Mr. Sebastián Cabello, Director GSMA América Latina

Mr. Moira Paz-Estenssoro, Director Representative of CAF in México,

Mr. Oscar Robles, Executive Director of LACNIC

Distinguished delegates ladies and gentlemen.

I would like to start by thanking the Government and people of Mexico for extending to us a generous invitation to hold this conference in this beautiful city of Cancún. Thank you Governor Borge Angulo for hosting us.

Allow me also to thank the Development Bank of Latin America, the GSM Association Latin America and AHCIET for their immeasurable contribution to the holding of this congress and to assure you of ITU's commitment to conducting joint or coordinated actions for the benefit of the Americas.

This week we had at this venue two events organized by the ITU. The Regional Forum on Optimization and Efficient Use of Spectrum and the Regional Development Forum for the Americas

At the Regional Forum on Optimization and Efficient Use of Spectrum we invited governments and the private sector to discuss the efficient use of radio spectrum in relation to the transition from analog to digital broadcasting.

During the Regional Forum of Telecommunication Development for the Americas region we reviewed actions implemented in the period 2011-2014 followed very fruitful discussions on the proposed plan for implementing the Five new Regional Development Initiatives for Americas.

The organization of these two events is in line with our commitment to support the organization of the Latin American Congress of Telecommunications since its inception in 2013.

We joined the effort of the organizers to concentrate relevant ICT activities in the same city and within correlative days in order to promote greater visibility to our work and facilitate the participation of a greater number of stakeholders.

Congratulations for this bright idea. ITU will continue to support this approach.

It is my profound conviction that this is the right thing to do and we need to share this best practice with other regions of the world.

Distinguished participants Ladies and Gentlemen

I am also here today to celebrate the recognition of the vibrant ICT sector of Mexico through the WSIS process.

This year Mexico has been awarded with the WSIS Prize 2015 in the category Information and Communication Infrastructure.

More than 100,000 WSIS stakeholders engaged in the evaluation of the nominated projects indicated the Mexico Conectado project as the most innovative and impactful.

The Mexico Conectado project, is an example of a comprehensive approach on how to bridge digital divide, while improving the quality of public services provided to the population.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

The 2015 achievement is not the only proof of innovativeness of the Mexican Government in the implementation of concrete projects for improving lives of through ICTs. Let me recall that in 2013 Mexico was awarded with two Prizes for the following projects:

  • Club Digital: massive open online ICT courses in category C6 (enabling Environment)
  • promoting human rights for migrant women in category C10 (Ethical dimensions of the Information Society)

As you can see beyond the 2015 WSIS price we are celebrating today the outstanding achievements of the Government of Mexico.

On behalf of ITU let me reiterate our sincere congratulations to Mexico for these extraordinary achievements.

Before I close, please let me reiterate my heartfelt congratulations to the core organizers of CLT and our commitment to work with all the stakeholders in the Region to make a difference.

Thank you very much

Muchas Gracias