Comprometida para conectar al mundo


Radiocommunication Seminars and Workshops

​​​​The Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) organizes, in Geneva, world seminars on spectrum management every two years, as well as regional seminars aiming in particular at the needs of developing countries. The main objectives of BR seminars and workshops are: to give assistance to Member States in spectrum management activities, e.g. through training, information meetings, seminars, development of handbooks and the provision of tools for automated spectrum management; to expand the assistance off ered to Member States in coordinating and registering frequency assignments and in applying the Radio Regulations, with special attention to developing countries and Member States that have recently joined the Union. One of the objectives of the BR is to hold regional seminars in a way to equitably cover all ITU Regions. Administrations that are interested in hosting a regional seminar may contact the BR and, subject to availability of time and resources, the BR undertakes all the necessary steps to organize the event. The BR also organizes, upon request, individual training in Geneva. This training is usually held in conjunction with important ITU-R meetings and the BR tries to regroup them over a one-week period.​​

World Radiocommunication Seminars (WRS)

Regional Radiocommunication Seminars (RRS)

WRC Preparation

