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Space sustainability Forum

Portada de conjunto de herramientas para las habilidades digitales

Portada de conjunto de herramientas para las habilidades digitales

This toolkit provides stakeholders with guidance on developing a digital skills strategy. It is intended for policymakers, along with partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia. Its overarching aim is to facilitate the development of a comprehensive digital skills strategy at country level.

Readers will find practical information, examples, and step-by-step guides which they can use to develop their national digital skills strategy as well as policies and programmes to address specific priorities. Chapters 3-8 include tools that policymakers and stakeholders can use in developing ideas specifically for their country or context. An editable Word version of these tools is attached to the PDF version of this Toolkit which can be accessed by clicking on the paperclip attachment icon in the left navigation bar.

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