Comprometida para conectar al mundo


Technology and network development

From electricity grid to broadband Internet: Sustainable and innovative power solutions for rural connectivity

Access to electricity is key to closing the digital divide in rural areas and developing an information society for all. The availability of reliable and affordable electricity remains a major impediment, especially in the world's least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS), and particularly in rural and remote areas. Access to electricity and broadband connectivity, including services and applications based on information and communication technologies (ICTs), plays an important enabling role in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and connect the 2.7 billion people around the world currently without access to the Internet. This report examines the challenges of providing access to electricity, which is vital to connecting rural areas to the Internet.
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Spectrum management training in the Asia-Pacific region: A bespoke framework
2022  Nuevo!  

The Report provides an analysis of the views of Member States and other membership of ITU from Asia and the Pacific on a wide range of matters relating to spectrum management technical requirements including the extent to which expertise in spectrum management is sufficient in their organisations, the importance to their organisation of having spectrum management expertise in their organisations, the spectrum management subject areas of most (and least) importance to them; and the preferred approach for delivering spectrum management training.
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Guide for procuring last-mile connectivity data networks
2022  Nuevo!  

Traditionally, the Internet service providers build, deploy and provide data networks and services to end users. However, in some instances, building connectivity networks and providing connectivity services are initiated by other public or private institutions such as banks, electricity companies, educational institutions, communities or governments, to ensure additional coverage, quality of service and/or affordability. In such cases, it is often important to procure the connectivity project in order to build resilient data networks and provide required digital services.

This guide is designed to assist requisitioners in procuring last-mile connectivity networks and services based on the principles of affordability, usage, financial viability, structure and sustainability. The guide provides a step-by-step overview of the process of procuring last mile connectivity data networks and services. It complements The Last-mile Internet Connectivity Solutions Guide, which was designed to address the lack of network infrastructure, with a view to encouraging more affordable service delivery.

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Giga: Empowering communities in Asia and the Pacific through school connectivity
2021  Nuevo!  

This new report examines the feasibility of countries in the Asia Pacific region participating successfully in the Giga initiative and realizing their potential by exploring implementation through the four pillars of Giga (Map, Finance, Connect, and Empower).

The report also emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach for mapping school connectivity that engages a wide range of stakeholders and that encourages the leveraging of existing government policies to deliver greater connectivity, including effectively utilizing USOs and USFs to connect schools, and highlights the importance of digital skills and how the Ministries of Education might help generate improved conditions for long-term connectivity in disadvantaged communities and in rural and remote regions.

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Emerging technology trends: Artificial intelligence and big data for development 4.0

Despite its great promise, the AI and data revolution is yet to yield tangible dividends for most developing countries. More often than not, these countries do not have all the prerequisites in place in order to collect sufficient data to utilize AI algorithms for development. Furthermore, existing data too often remain unused because they are released too late or not at all, are not available in digital format or lack the level of granularity needed for decision-making and local innovation.

This report has been designed to help overcome these barriers and embrace the huge development opportunities offered by AI and big data deployment. It is intended as a guide for policy-makers and other stakeholders in crafting a national AI and data strategy for development. The report highlights opportunities and outlines good policy and regulatory practices for implementation, while also flagging key challenges and offering hands-on suggestions in managing and overcoming these roadblocks.

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The Last-mile Internet Connectivity Solutions Guide - Sustainable connectivity options for unconnected sites

Nearly half of the world population lacked access to the Internet in 2019, with most of these people living in the rural and remote areas of developing economies. Bridging the digital divide is a social and economic imperative considering that health, education, government and other services and applications rely on affordable, reliable and high-speed connectivity to serve communities around the world. The ITU Last-mile Connectivity Solutions Guide is designed to support governments in their role of regulating, funding and implementing universal access to connectivity. This guide provides ways of identifying the unconnected areas and selecting sustainable technical, financial and regulatory solutions to ensure affordability and accessibility to relevant connectivity services.
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Connect2Recover: A methodology for identifying connectivity gaps and strengthening resilience in the new normal
2021  Nuevo!  

The Connect2Recover initiative supports countries in their efforts to identify gaps and bottlenecks for the utilization of broadband networks?and digital technologies to respond to and mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes recovery following the pandemic, readiness for the "new normal", and preparedness for any future pandemics.
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Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa: Spectrum sharing and compatibility studies to boost IMT deployment
2022  Nuevo!  

The Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) is a joint initiative between the African Union, the European Union and ITU. It aims to foster universally accessible and affordable broadband across the African continent to unlock future benefits of Internet-based services.

The activities of PRIDA are based on three tracks. ITU is responsible for PRIDA track 1, which aims to harmonize spectrum utilization in Africa, in particular spectrum allocated for wireless broadband access. Several spectrum bands were identified as suitable bands for wireless broadband deployment in Africa: 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1.4 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 26 GHz and the upper frequency range 37-71 GHz.

The report thus highlights the results of the work carried out under PRIDA track 1, with a focus on improving spectrum allocation based on international best practices. It provides a comprehensive set of guidelines to facilitate the deployment of wireless broadband (IMT) in Africa.

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Build back better with broadband: Research stories from the front line

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