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Discours du Directeur du BDT

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Regional Preparatory Meeting for Europe
Belgrad, Serbia  25 November 2013











Honorable Ministres et vice-Ministres

Directeur Régional, UIT

Chefs de délégations représentants les Etats membres et les Membres de Secteurs

Distingués délégués

Mesdames et Messieurs,


Cette région et l'UIT ont perdu deux personnes qui ont été arrachées à notre affection de manière

précipitée. Il s'agit de Mme Marie Thérèse Alajouanine de l'Administration française et Mr. Hassane

Makki de l'Administration suisse. Je propose que nous observions une minute de silence en leur mémoire.

Que leurs âmes reposent en paix.

C'est un grand plaisir et un privilège de prendre la parole à cette cérémonie d'ouverture.

Permettez-moi tout d’abord, honorable Secrétaires d'Etat, de vous remercier très chaleureusement, et à

travers vous, le Gouvernement et le Peuple serbe pour l'accueil fraternel et l'hospitalité dont nous

bénéficions depuis notre arrivée à Belgrade.

Messieurs les Ministres

Distingués délégués de la région Europe, des autres régions et des Membres de Secteur

Je vous souhaite la bienvenue à la Réunion préparatoire régionale pour l'Europe, la dernière d'une série

de six réunions préparatoires régionales organisées en vue de la prochaine Conférence mondiale de

développement des télécommunications (CMDT) prévue du 31 mars au 11 avril 2014.


Je suis très fier d'être ici aujourd'hui. Très fier car, je m'adresse à vous à un moment où l'Europe obtient

de très bons résultats en termes de progrès technologique.

L'Europe est au premier rang pour ce qui est des progrès en matière de TIC et le taux de pénétration de

TIC dans la région surpasse la moyenne mondiale.

Au moins 79% des jeunes en Europe font partie de la génération du numérique qui sont nés à l'ère du

numérique et ont grandi en utilisant les TIC au quotidien. Il nous appartient tous de travailler à mettre à

leur disposition un cyberespace sécurisé et paisible car comme le dit un proverbe amérindien: "Nous

n'héritons la terre de nos ancêtres; Nous l'empruntons à nos enfants"


Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we start this RPM, let me briefly mention few key aspects of the report on the implementation of the

Hyderabad Action Plan that will be presented later this morning.

When I took office in 2011, I put the implementation of the Regional Initiatives at the top of my priorities.

For that reason, I doubled the seed money allocated to Regional Initiatives from the ITU regular budget to

serve as seed money during our resource mobilization efforts.

I am pleased to report that today, BDT is running 72 active projects valued at $75 plus million US Dollars.

We started publishing on BDT website quarterly reports on the implementation of the Hyderabad Action



We have embraced the Result Based Management principles. So, I am more concerned about the results

on the ground, the impact made by the work that we do, and the benefits to the Membership.

Further, I want to report that I successfully took steps to strengthen the ITU Regional presence by

harmonizing the staff structure of the field offices.

This was possible thanks to the support of the ITU Secretary General and the other Elected Officials.

Staff in the field has been empowered to work closely with the membership, the regional

telecommunication organizations, our partners and other stakeholders to deliver results on the ground

and impact the economic and social environment for the benefits of all the people.

I have also addressed the needs of Europe region, strengthening implementation level as well as

coordination with the CEPT.

I made sure that ITU representative is always to your disposal at all ITU-Com meetings. Let me use this

opportunity to thank to the CEPT ITU-COM Chairs for excellent cooperation and proactive approach

towards strengthening this cooperation.

I have also put a lot of emphasis on the work of the Study Groups and on creating synergy between the

Study Groups, BDT Programmes and Regional Initiatives.


I would like to seize this opportunity to thank the Experts of this region for their valuable contribution,

and their Governments and organizations for the support to ITU-D. As we approach the end of this study

period, you will all be proud of the outcomes.

Distinguished participants,

We just concluded the Regional Development Forum yesterday. I must add that we had a very good

attendance and held interesting discussions between the Member States, Sector Members, and other

private sector players and entities.

The summary of the discussions will be submitted to this RPM later today as information document while

the substance of the discussions will inspire this RPM.

Distinguished representatives of the Member State and Sector Members,

I would like to reassure you that I am committed to continue innovating, building partnerships with the

private sector and other stakeholders and players of the ICT ecosystem, and implementing activities and

projects in favor of all the Membership, in particular those of this region.

Let me take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all intergovernmental, regulatory and service

provider organizations for their cooperation. I would like to pay a special tribute to the European



As I conclude, I would like to restate, reaffirm and reconfirm to you that my ultimate goal is to lead a BDT

that serves you each day better than the day before, using the ICT principles, I for Inclusion, C for

Cooperation/Consultation and T for Transparency.

Yes, I would like to serve each day better than the day before using the ICT principles.

I thank you.