Engagée à connecter le monde


Pays les moins avancés

South Malekula: A smart island of Vanuatu - Preliminary study of needs and priorities
2021  Nouveau!  

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Connectivity in the Least Developed Countries: Status report 2021
2021  Nouveau!  

This report assesses the level of digital connectivity in the 46 UN-designated Least Developed Countries (LDCs). It provides practical solutions to improve digital access, as well as concrete policy recommendations to help accelerate progress towards universal and meaningful connectivity. In an effort to advance digital accessibility, the report identifies ways to boost Internet connectivity and usage in LDCs by raising awareness of the benefits of being online, improving digital skills for everyone, expanding connectivity to rural communities, making connectivity and hardware more affordable and emphasizing the importance of working together so that everyone can truly benefit from today's life-changing technologies.
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Small Island Dveloping States (SIDS) and ICT: Mid-term review of the Samoa pathway
2019  Nouveau!  

This document reviews progress in access to affordable and modern digital technologies since the 2014 Samoa conference on SIDS. It was prepared as an input document to the September 2019 high-level meeting to review progress made in addressing the priorities of SIDS through implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway. It provides examples to demonstrate progress made, showing how SIDS are using ICTs to help drive sustainable development, and includes a framework for tracking progress towards a universal and affordable Internet.
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Economic impact of broadband in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS - An empirical study

This empirical study examines the economic impact of fixed and mobile broadband in the least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS).
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Évaluation de la résilience des réseaux et des infrastructures de télécommunications en Haïti
2024  Nouveau!  

Les catastrophes survenues ont non seulement touché des vies humaines, mais ont également causé des dommages considérables aux infrastructures des télécommunications haïtiennes. La gestion des conséquences exige plus que la fourniture immédiate d'une assistance dans le domaine des télécommunications d'urgence. L'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT) joue un rôle important en aidant Haïti à reconstruire ses infrastructures de télécommunication, conformément à la Résolution 60 (Hyderabad, 2010) de la Conférence mondiale de développement des télécommunications (CMDT). Compte tenu du rôle fondamental que joue la connectivité et de la nécessité de disposer d'infrastructures de télécommunication solides, résilientes, sûres et financièrement abordables pour promouvoir le bien-être social et le développement économique en Haïti, une évaluation de la résilience a été réalisée.
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Autres éditions:   2018   2004  
Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) in the Americas region - Connectivity challenges and opportunities - Bolivia

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Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCS) in the Americas Region - Connectivity Challenges and Opportunities - Paraguay

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The Role of ICT in Advancing Growth in Least Developed Countries - Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

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ICT and Telecommunications in Least Developed Countries: Review of Progress made during the Decade 2000-2010

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HRD/HRM Survey on current and future needs and priorities in a converged, competitive telecommunication/ICT environment
October 2008  

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Human Resources Benchmarking for telecommunication organizations in English-speaking countries in Africa
September 2008  

ITU, in its continued support of developing capacity building in the African Continent, sponsored the Human Resources Benchmarking study for telecommunications organizations in English-speaking Countries in Africa. The findings of this study are expressed in this report.
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Report on East Africa Regional Information Infrastructure: Proposed Institutional and Strategic Framework - Volume I

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Atelier régional: «Management des connaissances» (Knowledge Management) pour les pays de l’Afrique francophone, hispanophone et lusophone
Rapport final – Cotonou (Bénin), 24 - 28 juillet 2006  

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ICT and Telecommunications in Least Developed Countries 2001-2006 Brussels Programme of Action: Mid-Term Review

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