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Manuel sur la mise en oeuvre des réseaux et systèmes de radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique de Terre

Manuel sur la mise en oeuvre des réseaux et systèmes de radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique de Terre
Year: 2021
Persistent link: http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/pub/8187e6ca-en
The Handbook takes into account progress and convergence of technologies, different environments for production, primary and secondary distribution of broadcast programs as well as experiences in providing quality of service for DTTB. Specifically including technical aspects on the introduction of digital terrestrial and multimedia broadcasting; Information on standardized broadcasting systems in digital terrestrial and multimedia broadcasting networks, and some guidance on their implementation; References to normative documents (standards, technical specifications, reports, recommendations and other documents) that are important with respect to baseband (audio, video data) and transmission quality, as well as to DTTB services including interactive TV and access services; The use of DTTB systems in electronic news gathering and contribution of audio-visual content.

The aim of the Handbook is to provide assistance in technical and service issues such as networks and systems, audiovisual quality and quality of transmission as well as on other issues of interest for the introduction of digital terrestrial TV broadcasting (from multimedia systems to UHDTV) in different countries.

Avis de publication avec bon de commande 
Also available in electronic file