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L'UIT est la principale source de publication d'informations sur les technologies, la réglementation et la normalisation dans le domaine des télécommunications. Elle a publié plus de 4'500 titres en version papier et le nombre de publications sur CD-ROM, sur DVD et en ligne ne cesse d'augmenter.

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Circulaire internationale d'information sur les fréquences du BR (BR IFIC) - Services de Terre

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2024   Avis de publication avec bon de commande

The BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) Terrestrial Services is a consolidated regulatory publication issued once every two weeks by the Radiocommunication Bureau, pursuant to the Radio Regulations (Nos. 20.1 to 20.6 and No. 20.15) and various regional agreements. It contains information on the frequency assignments/allotments submitted by administrations to the Radiocommunication Bureau for recording in the Master International Frequency Register and in the various regional or worldwide Plans.The information published corresponds to the recorded assignments/allotments as well as the notifications in process. The BR IFIC may be consulted directly from the DVD-ROM without installing the data and software (some 7 GB). The BR IFIC contains the query software TerRaQ, the program TerRaNotices for creation and validation of electronic notices, and the Preface in PDF format. The BR IFIC (Space Services) DVD-ROM is published at the same time.

For ISO copy access, each Administration and each paying subscriber has been invited to assign one (1) designated user, per DVD subscription, for free online access. Otherwise, online access to the ISO copy of each DVD is available for separate purchase. Please see the current "Publication Notice" (below) for more information on annual subscriptions.

Editions are listed by year of issue. For earlier editions (2022 and prior) you will need to click on the year required, either on the previous page or below. Contact us via email sales@itu.int if any concerns.

Disponible enelectronic file
Autres éditions:   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015  
World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database online

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ITU discontinued the World ICT/Telecommunication Indicators Database (WTID), all the data collected by the ICT Data and Analytics Division are now disseminated for free at the ITU DataHub, subject to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

Disponible enpaper   electronic file
Autres éditions:   2022   2021   23rd Edition, 2019  
Circulaire internationale d'information sur les fréquences du BR (BR IFIC) - Services spatiaux

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2024   Avis de publication avec bon de commande

BR IFIC Space Services is a service publication published every two weeks by the Radiocommunication Bureau in accordance with provision Nos. 20.1-20.6 and No. 20.15 of the Radio Regulations. It contains information on the frequency assignments to space stations, Earth stations or radioastronomy stations submitted by administrations to the Radiocommunication Bureau for recording in the Master International Frequency Register, as well as those that are submitted under the relevant provisions of the Radio Regulations or that are subject to the Appendices 30, 30A and 30B Plans. The information published corresponds to the recorded assignments as well as the notifications still being processed. The SRS database formerly sold separately is now available only in this DVD-ROM. The BR IFIC (Terrestrial Services) DVD is published at the same time. For additional technical support and information: http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/go/space-brific/en.
Disponible enCD/DVD   electronic file
Autres éditions:   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   Edition de 2014   Edition de 2010  
Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries (SMS4DC)
2022   Avis de publication avec bon de commande

The Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries (SMS4DC) provides various functionalities for spectrum management activities. Version 5.2 of the software was developed from the contribution of MSIT (Republic of Korea). It contains the revised Article 5 of the Radio Regulations (as per decisions made at WRC- 19), as well as further development on data transfer from other databases to the SMS4DC, such as BR Space IFIC Version 9, and calculations according to the HCM (European cross-border frequency coordination agreement). The SMS4DC also contains monitoring network planning for optimization of spectrum monitoring networks, an interface to the spectrum monitoring software of Rohde & Schwarz and of Thales and a general interface for any other monitoring software (TCI's for example). Self-learning training material can be provided upon request.

The SMS4DC Edition 5.2 on a USB key is currently available for purchase. Please be aware that this version is outdated. A new edition, featuring the latest updates from the WRC, is anticipated by Q3 2024. Current Edition 5.2 subscribers may be eligible for free online access to the new edition on a case-by-case basis.

Disponible enelectronic fileusb key
Autres éditions:   2017   2015   Edition 2006  
Règles de procédure

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2021   Avis de publication avec bon de commande

Règles de procédure approuvées par le Comité du Règlement des radiocommunications pour l'application, par le Bureau des radiocommunications des dispositions du Règlement des radiocommunications, des Accords régionaux, des Résolutions et des Recommandations des Conférences mondiales et régionales des radiocommunications.
Disponible enpaper   electronic file
Autres éditions:   2017   2012   Edition de 2005   Edition de 2002   Edition de 2009