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Important Announcement: Meet the 1st Cohort of GCYLP Fellows!
Dated: 24 May 2024

We are pleased to introduce the inaugural cohort of Generation Connect Young Leadership Programme (GCYLP) fellows. Young changemakers from all regions, willing to leverage innovative digital solutions towards an inclusive, more prosperous digital future for all. Over the next year, they will receive support and resources to implement digital development projects in their diverse communities across the world.

Meet the 1st Cohort of the Generation Connect Young Leadership Programme (GCYLP) Fellows

Important Announcement: Meet the GCYLP Jury!
Dated: 29 April 2024

We are pleased to introduce the Generation Connect Young Leadership Programme (GCYLP) Jury. Spanning all ITU regions, and with vast experience across the private sector, pubic sector, government and international development landscape, our inspirational jury members are playing a key role in the selection and the mentoring of the 30 fellows in the GCYLP inaugural cohort. 

Meet our incredible jury members

Generation Connect Young Leadership Programme (GCYLP) is an exciting programme to engage, empower, and inspire young digital leaders and changemakers. GCYLP aims to support young visionaries from around the world who propose creative, far-reaching, innovative, and feasible community-driven projects aimed at creating a more inclusive and empowered digital future. 

ITU in partnership with Huawei, is providing guidance, training, and financial support to 30 young fellows per year to enable them to practically implement digital development projects in their diverse communities across the world. Through this programme, young leaders have the unique opportunity to make new digital development ideas a reality, or to expand the impact of their existing projects!

Who should apply?

  • Are you a young person aged 18-28?
  • Are you interested in making real impact in your communities by leading your own digital development project?
  • Are you currently enrolled or recently graduated from a tertiary education institution from a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or a demonstrably STEM-related academic programme?
  • Are you able to communicate in English, the main language of the programme? This language requirement is to ensure that all fellows can benefit from the planned offerings of trainings, networking, and events.

What will you get?

  • Virtual mentorship and leadership training sessions from ITU and Huawei.
  • Participation in an in-person global training week (location TBC).
  • Up to USD 10,000 grant to implement a digital development project of your choice. All 30 selected fellows will receive an initial USD 5000 grant towards the implementation of a digital development project of their choice. The most impactful projects at the end of the year will receive an extra USD 5000 grant to scale up.

The programme on Generation Connect Young Leadership will be conducted in English only.

Applications Intake Closed!

The deadline for submissions was 23:59 CEST on 23 March 2024. Thank you for your interest.

If you have any questions on the application and selection process and please check the Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] here. For any further enquires, email

The ITU Generation Connect Young Leadership Programme is a project of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector in partnership with Huawei