Generation Connect Gender Champions

In March of 2022, ITU organized a global Competition to select the first group of “Generation Connect Gender Champions.” The Competition, funded by the Government of Canada, selected twelve (12) outstanding young women (ages 18-24) from developing countries (2 from each ITU region).  

This Competition was part of the preparatory process for the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit, organized by ITU and held in Kigali, Rwanda from June 2-4, 2022. The Summit was the overarching initiative of the ITU Youth Strategy on the journey to the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), held from 6 to 16 June, also in Kigali. 

Generation Connect aims to engage global youth and encourage their participation as equal partners alongside the leaders of today’s digital change, empowering young people with the skills and opportunities to advance their vision of a connected future. 

Applications closed on 06 April 2022, 23:59 CET. See below for the results of the Competition.

Congratulations to the winners of the Generation Connect Gender Champions Competition!

Pictured: Choukouriyah Arinloye (Benin), Mable Chileshe (Zambia), Milagro Suira (Panama), Jackeline García Alvarado (Costa Rica), Tayma Abdalhadi (State of Palestine), Melissa El Feghali (Lebanon), Aliha Nisar (Pakistan), Alfiah Rizqi Ramdhini (Indonesia), Zulfiyya Mehdiyeva (Azerbaijan), Khanimnisa Ismayilova (Azerbaijan), Elisa Haxhillazi (Albania), Zeynep Dilruba Taşdemir (Turkey)

Thank you to all 400+ applicants from over 70 different countries who applied to this Competition. We look forward to involving you in future Generation Connect activities! 

Summary of Involvement: 

Pre-Youth Summit (April – May , 2022) 

Gender Champions met on a weekly basis to plan a “youth for youth” empowerment workshop which was held in June at the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit in Kigali.

Youth Summit (June 2-4, 2022) 

At the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit, the twelve Gender Champions facilitated a “youth empowering youth” skill development workshop focused on encouraging youth, to create grassroots change that advances digital inclusion and combats gender biases within STEM. The slides from this workshop can be found here

Champions also contributed to Inter-Generational Dialogues, the Youth Call to Action, Learning Sessions, and Youth for Youth Debates.

Ongoing Involvement 

Champions will become members of the Generation Connect Regional Youth Groups and take part in the activities of their respective regions. Gender Champions may also be involved with the Girls in ICT program, which will include them in future projects to inspire girls in ICTs and STEM. 

Appendix: Information About the Gender Champions Competition

How Were Applications Evaluated?

The applications were reviewed by a Selection Committee comprised of five members, including ITU staff and representatives from the Government of Canada. The Committee evaluated each application based on the following criteria:

  • 30% for Experience: To what degree has the submission demonstrated meaningful experience and engagement in STEM and ICT-related social causes?  
  • 25% for Motivation: To what extent has the submission demonstrated a clear motivation to serve under-represented groups?  
  • 25% for Communication: To what extent does the submission pitch engaging and meaningful ideas?  
  • 20% Creativity: To what extent does the submission leverage creative mediums and/or approaches to bridging the gender digital divide? 

Benefits for the Gender Champions:  

  • Successful applicants traveled to the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit in Kigali, Rwanda from June 2-4, 2022. The cost of travel and accommodation were covered by ITU.   
  • During the Summit, the Champions were involved in various activities and sessions which contributed to a shared goal of gender equality. 

See the Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Generation Connect Gender Champion Competition here.