Table of selective call numbers for predetermined groups of ship stations
00000 Argentine Republic
01010 Australia
02020 Argentine Republic
03030 China (People's Republic of)
04040 Canada
05050 06060 China (People's Republic of)
07070 08080 Denmark
09090 10101 Spain
11111 12121 United States of America
13131 China (People's Republic of)
14141 Finland
15151 16161 France
17171 Greece
18181 19191 20202 China (People's Republic of)
21212 22222 Italy
23232 Chile
24242 China (People's Republic of)
25252 Romania
26262 Sweden
27272 28282 29292 30303 Japan
31313 Morocco (Kingdom of)
32323 Slovenia (Republic of)
33333 34343 Norway
35353 Croatia (Republic of)
36363 Japan
37373 38383 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
39393 40404 41414 Germany (Federal Republic of)
42424 Panama (Republic of)
43434 Poland (Republic of)
44444 Panama (Republic of)
45454 Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)
46464 47474 48484 49494 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
50505 Israel (State of)
51515 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
52525 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
53535 Russian Federation
54545 Spain
55555 Estonia (Republic of)
56565 Republic of Türkiye
57575 Serbia (Republic of)
58585 59595 Brazil (Federative Republic of)
60606 Latvia (Republic of)
61616 Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
62626 Maldives (Republic of)
63636 Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
64646 South Africa (Republic of)
65656 Bosnia and Herzegovina
67676 Montenegro
68686 Ukraine
70707 Azerbaijan (Republic of)
71717 Georgia
72727 73737 Belgium
74747 Sierra Leone
76767 Philippines (Republic of the)
77777 78787 Mexico
79797 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
81818 Slovak Republic
82828 83838 Malta
84848 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
86868 87878 88888 89898 90909 91919 92929 93939 Italy
94949 95959 96969 Israel (State of)
97979 98989 Germany (Federal Republic of)