
Photography competition in the context of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022

The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), the highest governing body of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), will take place from 26 September to 14 October 2022.

In the run-up to this major event, ITU is calling for photos telling the story of “Technology for good.”

Photos should illustrate how information and communication technologies (ICTs) are being used by a diversity of people around the world and how they can digitally transform economies and societies.

ITU would like to receive photos from three categories of photographers: a) Green; b) Youth; c) Gender.

The following outlines the requirements for shooting and supplying photo materials to ITU. There are no limits to your imagination – as long as the photos show a creative and innovative approach to ICTs!

Submission form and Terms and conditions on the Competition website here.

ITU and its work

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs). Check out these backgrounders to find out who ITU is, its areas of expertise and what it does. These ITU News stories from around the world illustrate how ITU, its 1100+ members and stakeholders create and use ICT for good. And here are some selected photos as examples.

Hero shots

Content should be character driven and we therefore would like to ask where possible for a “hero shot” for each character. A hero shot is a shot of the principal character in their environment that singles them out. Photographically, this shot should be uncluttered with the central character as the main focus in the frame.


Hero images of ITU
Hero images ITU


Shots featuring technology in action

ITU’s mission is to improve the lives and wellbeing of people, families, communities, economies, and nations through information and communication technologies. Hence, photography shots should show technology in different environments, in action, being used or being produced. Pay close attention to diversity, including ability, age, culture, economic status, ethnicity, gender and religion.


ITU tech in action
ITU tech in action

Shots showing people

Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals requires a “people-centered” approach, giving a human face to ICTs. How do ICTs create value to individuals, families, communities, economies, and societies around the world? Be sure to include shots that feature people in the country in different environments, ideally using ICTs and what they can do because they use these ICTs. You may also show the disadvantages of not being connected. Pay particular attention to diversity, including ability, age, culture, economic status, ethnicity, gender, and religion and ensure that shots include women and girls, men and boys using technology—both as consumers and creators.

Shots of the general population, additional characters in addition to central hero characters are also important to collect to contextualize what we are seeing,


ITU with People
ITU with People

Location shots

Information and communication technologies are transforming people’s live, leisure and work everywhere. Photography shots should, therefore, place the story geographically, for example by showing rural and urban areas.


ITU location
ITU location shots

Variety of shots

There should be a good variety of shots, wide shots, medium close-ups, extreme close ups, moving shots, shots from interesting angles (high, low, etc.).


Please get any people that are prominently featured to sign a release form (consent form) or get them to write (or record on video) an acknowledgment that “they understand that they are being photographed for an ITU photographic competition”.

Social media specifications

When shooting, please keep in mind that photos will most likely also appear on various social media platforms.


Content and information should be delivered in accessible formats so they can be perceived by everyone, including persons with disabilities or specific needs (e.g. provide alt-txt).

Social networks: The new versions of the most popular social media networks are increasingly becoming accessible. That means that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube do offer accessibility features. It is important when publishing on these platforms to know about digital content accessibility to ensure that the messages are accessible to all.

For further details, please contact
