Draft Agenda

Wednesday, 14 September 2022
13:00 - 14:30
The development of indicators measuring OTT services
Presentation of the document produced by the joint EGTI/EGH sub-group
Mr Oliver Füg
Senior Advisor on Digital Infrastructure and Regulation , Telefónica

Oliver Füg is a Senior Advisor on Digital Infrastructure and Regulation with Telefónica. He previously was Director of Competition and Regulation at the european competitive telecommunications association (ecta) and worked for a number of years as a Legal and Policy Officer for DG CONNECT at the European Commission. He has more than 15 years of experience in convergent regulation and been involved in several EU-wide comparative projects on aspects of competition, telecommunications and media, including the lead on one of the key studies underpinning the 2018 new EU legislative framework on electronic communications. He has also assisted the Director-General of DG CONNECT’s participation in World Economic Forum work on the future of the media.

Mr Oliver Füg

The development of indicators measuring OTT services - EGTI-EGH sub-group report

PDF file


Mr Winston Oyadomari
Senior Survey Analyst, Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society (CETIC.br)

Winston Oyadomari is a Survey Analyst at the Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society (CETIC.br), linked to the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br). He coordinated the ICT in Households Survey for several years and now leads a Laboratory of Innovation on Survey Methodology. He holds a BA in Public Administration from the School of Business Administration (EAESP-FGV).

Mr Winston Oyadomari

The development of indicators measuring OTT services - EGTI-EGH sub-group report

PDF file


Discussion and agreement on way forward
14:30 - 14:40
Convenience break
14:40 - 15:00
Closing of EGTI
Presentation of summary and conclusions of the EGTI meeting
Mr Bernard Banda
EGTI Chair
Manager for Policy and Research , Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)

Mr Bernard Banda is currently Director for Economic Regulation and Consumer Protection at the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority, the regulator of Information and Communication Technologies in Zambia. He is also the Chair of the Expert Group of Telecommunication Indicators at the International Telecommunications Union. Bernard has extensive experience in research design and implementation, policy analysis and data analytics. In the last few years, he has led several national demand and supply side surveys in Zambia and is actively involved in a number of regional initiatives in Africa.

Mr Bernard Banda

EGTI 2022 meeting - summary and conclusions

PDF file


15:00 - 15:15
Introduction to the EGH meeting
Opening remarks
Ms Linah Ngumba
EGH Chair
Senior Statistician , Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

As a trailblazer in the field of ICT statistics, Ms Linah Ngumba spearheads this sector at the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the National Statistics Office (NSO). She handles ICT-related research and analysis in the organization. Ms Ngumba was instrumental in establishing the ICT statistics division, introducing the Economic Survey report, orchestrating ICT enterprise and public institution surveys, and integrating an ICT module in the integrated household budget surveys and the 2019 Population and Household Census. Currently, she chairs the International Telecommunication Union's Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators. Ms Ngumba hold master's degrees in the fields of Communications Management and Economics, in addition to her bachelor’s degree in economics and Statistics.

Ms Linah Ngumba

No Title


Adoption of the agenda, working methods and presentation of documents
Ms Linah Ngumba
EGH Chair
Senior Statistician, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

As a trailblazer in the field of ICT statistics, Ms Linah Ngumba spearheads this sector at the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the National Statistics Office (NSO). She handles ICT-related research and analysis in the organization. Ms Ngumba was instrumental in establishing the ICT statistics division, introducing the Economic Survey report, orchestrating ICT enterprise and public institution surveys, and integrating an ICT module in the integrated household budget surveys and the 2019 Population and Household Census. Currently, she chairs the International Telecommunication Union's Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators. Ms Ngumba hold master's degrees in the fields of Communications Management and Economics, in addition to her bachelor’s degree in economics and Statistics.

Ms Linah Ngumba

No Title


15:15 - 16:00
E-waste indicators in household surveys
Presentation of the outcomes produced by the EGH sub-group
Camilo Andrés Mendéz
Head of International Affairs, National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE)

Camilo Méndez is the Head of International Affairs at DANE (the National Statistics Office in Colombia) since April 2020. Mr. Méndez holds an M.A in Policy and Development in the Global South from Sciences Po Bordeaux and a B.A in International Relations from Universidad del Rosario. Before joining DANE, Mr. Méndez served as an advisor at the International Cooperation Directorate of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia and was a Lecturer at the Faculty of International, Political and Urban Studies of the Universidad del Rosario.

Camilo Andrés Mendéz

Harmonization of e-waste questionnaires

PDF file


Discussion and agreement on way forward
Thursday, 15 September 2022
13:00 - 14:00
Aggregating the ICT skills categories
Presentation of the document produced by the EGH sub-group
Ms Riina Vuorikari

Dr Vuorikari worked as a senior research fellow at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (2013-2022). She was a member of Eurostat’s Information Society Statistics Working Group (2017-2022) and co-chaired  EGH’s sub-group on ICT Skills in 2022.

Her work focuses on citizens' digital competence, recently she led the DigComp 2.2 update and contributed to EU’s Digital Skills Indicator 2.0. Vuorikari has her PhD from the Dutch research school for Information and Knowledge Systems (2009), and degrees in hypermedia (DEA in 1999 in France) and education (M.Ed in 1998 in Finland). Since 1999 she works in the field of digital education.

Ms Riina Vuorikari

ICT skills - EGH sub-group report

PDF file


Presentation of results of the pilot on compiling ICT skills aggregates
Marcelo Pitta
Coordinator of Quantitative Methods , Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society
Brazilian Network Information Center

Responsible for the coordination of quantitative processes at Cetic.br, including large national sample design and selection, field data collection control and quality management, data processing, development of new methodologies including small area estimation projects and non-probability samples studies. Holds a master’s degree in Population Studies and Social Research and a bachelor’s degree in Statistics at the National School of Statistical Science (ENCE).

Marcelo Pitta

ICT skills - EGH sub-group report

PDF file


Discussion and agreement on way forward
14:00 - 14:30
Outcome of the review of the ITU Household Long Questionnaire
Presentation of the documents produced by ITU/BDT
Mr Nathan Menton
Statistician , ICT Data and Analytics Division
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Mr Nathan Menton is a statistician in the ICT Data and Analytics Division of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecommunication Development Bureau where he focuses on the measurement of ICT indicators through household surveys. His work includes managing ICT data collection through country questionnaires and developing statistical models to estimate key ICT indicators such as individual Internet use and mobile phone ownership. Before joining ITU, Nathan worked as a statistician with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the UN Statistical Division where he coordinated international data collection and analysis on transport, demography, and national accounts at various points. Nathan holds a master’s degree in statistical science from George Mason University.

Mr Nathan Menton

Review of the ITU Household Long Questionnaire

PDF file


Discussion and agreement on way forward
14:30 - 14:40
Convenience break
14:40 - 15:10
Country experience
Mr Howard Bilodeau
Economist , Statistics Canada

Howard Bilodeau is an economist at Statistics Canada where he focuses on measuring the digital transformation of Canadian businesses and society. As part of this role, he manages the development of new data products to address data gaps in the digital economy. He also works with the OECD Working Party on Measurement and Analysis of the Digital Economy to collect comparable data across member countries.

Mr Howard Bilodeau

Methodology and imputation strategy

PDF file


15:10 - 15:40
Future work
Summary of discussions and suggestions from the EGH Online Forum
Ms Linah Ngumba
EGH Chair
Senior Statistician , Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

As a trailblazer in the field of ICT statistics, Ms Linah Ngumba spearheads this sector at the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the National Statistics Office (NSO). She handles ICT-related research and analysis in the organization. Ms Ngumba was instrumental in establishing the ICT statistics division, introducing the Economic Survey report, orchestrating ICT enterprise and public institution surveys, and integrating an ICT module in the integrated household budget surveys and the 2019 Population and Household Census. Currently, she chairs the International Telecommunication Union's Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators. Ms Ngumba hold master's degrees in the fields of Communications Management and Economics, in addition to her bachelor’s degree in economics and Statistics.

Ms Linah Ngumba

No Title


Discussion on the future work of the EGH
15:40 - 16:00
Closing of EGH
Presentation of summary and conclusions of the EGH meeting
Ms Linah Ngumba
EGH Chair
Senior Statistician, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

As a trailblazer in the field of ICT statistics, Ms Linah Ngumba spearheads this sector at the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the National Statistics Office (NSO). She handles ICT-related research and analysis in the organization. Ms Ngumba was instrumental in establishing the ICT statistics division, introducing the Economic Survey report, orchestrating ICT enterprise and public institution surveys, and integrating an ICT module in the integrated household budget surveys and the 2019 Population and Household Census. Currently, she chairs the International Telecommunication Union's Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators. Ms Ngumba hold master's degrees in the fields of Communications Management and Economics, in addition to her bachelor’s degree in economics and Statistics.

Ms Linah Ngumba

EGH 2022 meeting - summary and conclusions

PDF file