
P2C pledgers 2023

  1. 3 Link
  2. 7GES
  3. A.O. Clubul Ingineresc Micro Lab (Engineering Club Micro Lab NGO), Republic of Moldova
  4. Access Partnership Limited
  5. The App Association (ACT)
  6. Ada Lovelace Software Private Limited
  7. African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute
  8. African Center for Advocacy
  9. African Network Information Centre Ltd
  10. African Telecommunications Union
  11. AfricaNenda
  12. AfriLabs
  13. Italian NRA for Electronic Communications, Media and Post (AGCOM)
  14. Agence de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE), Republic of Congo
  15. Agence de Régulation et de Contrôle des Télécommunications (ARCT), Burundi
  16. Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia
  17. Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, Montenegro
  18. All Global Giveaways
  19. Amazon Web Services Inc
  20. American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
  21. American Tower Corporation
  22. APNIC Foundation
  23. ApplianSys
  24. ARED Group Inc
  25. ARM Limited
  26. ASECNA
  27. Asian Institute of Technology
  28. Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development
  29. Asociación Civil El Hormiguero
  30. Association for Progressive Communications
  31. At Hause Limited
  32. AT&T Inc
  33. atene KOM Albania
  34. Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes (ATT), Plurinational State of Bolivia
  35. Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP), Panama
  36. Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Portugal
  37. Autoridade Reguladora das Comunicações de Moçambique
  38. Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications et des Postes (ARTP), Senegal
  39. Autorité Nationale de Régulation des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (ANRTIC), Comoros
  40. Axon Partners Group
  41. Banco Central de la República Dominicana
  42. Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication
  43. Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD)
  44. BBVA Microfinance Foundation
  45. Bharti Airtel Limited
  46. BitSight Technologies Inc
  47. Boston Consulting Group
  48. Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA)
  50. CAF – Development Bank of Latin America
  51. Caribbean Telecommunications Union
  52. Center for Development and Food Security in Africa
  53. Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT)
  54. Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Rwanda
  55. Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland
  57. Child Online Africa
  58. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
  59. Cisco Systems Inc
  60. Coalition of Youth of Portuguese-speaking African Countries
  61. Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC), Colombia
  62. Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL), Honduras
  63. Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL), Paraguay
  64. Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  65. Communications and Media Commission (CMC), Iraq
  66. Communications Authority of Kenya (CA)
  67. Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA), Bosnia and Herzegovina
  68. Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  69. Communications Regulatory Authority, Lithuania
  70. Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN)
  71. Computer Incident Response Team of the Bahamas
  72. Connect Humanity
  73. Connectivity Capital
  74. Convergence Partners
  75. Coursera Inc
  76. Czech Telecommunication Office
  77. Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  78. Department of Electronic Communications, Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Cyprus
  79. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
  80. Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), Philippines
  81. Department of Information and Communications Technology, Philippines
  82. Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Australia
  83. Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India
  84. Digigaon Job Factory Foundation
  85. Digital Bridge Institute
  86. Digital Child Rights Foundation
  87. Digital Cooperation Organization
  88. Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA)
  89. Digital Empowerment Foundation
  90. Digital Impact Alliance at the UN Foundation
  91. Digital Opportunity Trust
  92. Dreamlab Technologies AG
  93. Dubai Cares
  94. Eastern Partnership Regulators for Electronic Communications (EaPeReg)
  95. East African Communications Organization
  96. ECPAT International
  97. Electronics Communication Office of Latvia
  98. ElengeAfrika
  99. EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age
  100. EQUALS Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age
  101. E-Space
  102. E-Space Inc
  103. Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications
  104. Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  105. Ethiopian Cybersecurity Association
  106. European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC)
  107. European Union
  108. Eutelsat SA
  109. Everbridge One2many
  110. Evercomm Singapore Pte Ltd
  111. Exponential Destiny
  112. EY
  113. Federal Communications Commission, United States
  114. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
  115. Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, Nigeria
  116. Fiber Connect Council MENA Region
  117. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  118. Fortinet
  119. Fundación Gran Chaco
  120. GÉANT
  121. General Inspectorate for Emergency Situation, Moldova
  122. Georgian National Communications Commission
  123. Georgia's Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA)
  124. GitHub
  125. GIZ
  126. Global Cities Hub
  127. Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
  128. Global Partnerships Forum
  129. Global Satellite Operators’ Association (GSOA)
  130. GoCodeGreen
  131. Google Inc
  132. Government of Sweden
  133. Government Technology Agency, Bhutan
  134. Greek Ministry of Digital Governance
  135. GSM Association
  136. Guinean Ministry of Posts, Telecoms and Digital Economy
  137. House of Africa
  138. HP Inc
  139. Huawei Technologies Co Ltd
  140. Hughes Network Systems LLC
  141. Ignite
  142. iLabAfrica Research Centre, Strathmore University
  143. ImmuniWeb SA
  144. Inclusive Creation AS
  145. Indian Institute of Management Kashipur
  146. Indonesia-ITU Concern Forum
  147. Indosat
  148. InfoComm Media Development Authority, Singapore
  149. Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK), Türkiye
  150. Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA), Mauritius
  151. INICTEL - UNI
  152. Inmarsat Global Limited
  153. Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL)
  154. Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT), Mexico
  155. Instituto Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones y Correos (TELCOR)
  156. Instituto Tecnológico De Las Américas
  157. Intel Corporation
  158. Intelsat US LLC
  159. Inter-American Development Bank
  160. Inter-American Telecommunication Commission
  161. International Bridges to Justice
  162. International Chamber of Commerce
  163. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
  164. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
  165. International Organisation of Employers
  166. International Telecommunication Union Regional Office for Europe and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
  167. International Trade Centre
  168. International Trade Centre (ITC)
  169. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
  170. Internet Society
  171. Internet Society – Argentina Chapter
  172. Internet Society Foundation
  173. IoT Academy
  174. IPSDI-Burundi
  175. Iridium Satellite LLC.
  176. ISBAT University, Kampala, Uganda
  177. Islamic Development Bank
  178. iSpectrum SRL
  179. ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development
  181. Jokkolabs Banjul
  182. Kacific Broadband Satellites Group
  184. Kistpay Private Limited
  185. Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M Dulatov (KINEU)
  186. Kyoto University
  187. Kyrgyz Internet Society
  188. League of Arab States
  189. Liquid Intelligent Technologies Group
  190. LTT Global Communications Sdn Bhd – MyMobileUniversity
  191. Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA)
  192. Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society (MFWS)
  193. Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA)
  194. MeemAin for Education
  195. Members of Generation Connect Africa
  196. Members of ITU Generation Connect Arab Region
  197. MFS Africa
  198. Microsoft Corporation
  199. Millennium@EDU Sustainable Education Network
  200. Millicom International Cellular SA
  201. Ministère de la Communication et de l'Economie Numérique, Côte d'Ivoire
  202. Ministère de la Communication, des Technologies de l’Information et des Médias, Burundi
  203. Ministère de la Poste et des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Niger
  204. Ministère de la Poste et des Télécommunications, Algeria
  205. Ministère de la Transformation Numérique, de l'Innovation et de la Modernisation de l'Administration, Mauritania
  206. Ministère de la Transition Digitale, des Postes et des Communications Électroniques, Burkina Faso
  207. Ministère de l'Economie numérique et des Télécommunications, Senegal
  208. Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté Industrielle et Numérique, France
  209. Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications, Cameroon
  210. Ministère des Technologies de la Communication, Tunisia
  211. Ministère des Telecommunications et de l'Economie Numérique, Chad
  212. Ministère du Développement Numérique, de la Transformation Digitale, des Poste et des Télécommunications, Madagascar
  213. Ministère du Numérique et de la Digitalisation, Benin
  214. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación, Spain
  215. Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Ministerio de Comunicaciones
  216. Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería – Dirección Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, Uruguay
  217. Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (MINTEL), Ecuador
  218. Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, Peru
  219. Ministerio del Poder Popular para Ciencia y Tecnología, Venezuela
  220. Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, Uzbekistan
  221. Ministry for Economic Development and Tourism of Montenegro
  222. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  223. Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ethiopia
  224. Ministry of Communication and Aviation, Solomon Islands
  225. Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MoCIT), Republic of Nepal
  226. Ministry of Communication, responsible for Posts and Telecommunications, Djibouti
  227. Ministry of Communications, Israel
  228. Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, Gambia
  229. Ministry of Communications and Digital Technologies, South Africa
  230. Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation, Ghana
  231. Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Indonesia
  232. Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Samoa
  233. Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Egypt
  234. Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia
  235. Ministry of Communications and Technology, Syrian Arab Republic
  236. Ministry of Digital Affairs, Poland
  237. Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  238. Ministry of Digital Transformation, Trinidad and Tobago
  239. Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
  240. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bahamas
  241. Ministry of Economic Affairs – Department of Information and Communications Technology, Bahamas
  242. Ministry of Economic Affairs/Department of Communication and Information Technology, Bahamas
  243. Ministry of Economic Affairs/Department of Transformation and Digitization, Bahamas
  244. Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
  245. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
  246. Ministry of Health & Wellness, Bahamas
  247. Ministry of ICT and Innovation, Rwanda
  248. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
  249. Ministry of Information and Communications, Bhutan
  250. Ministry of Information Society and Administration, Republic of North Macedonia
  251. Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Tanzania
  252. Ministry of Information, Communications and Transport, Kiribati
  253. Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Albania
  254. Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Moldova
  255. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
  256. Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia
  257. Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications, Liberia
  258. Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, Romania
  259. Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea
  260. Ministry of Technology and Communication, Lao PDR
  261. Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology
  262. Ministry of Telecommunications & Broadcasting, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Dominica
  263. Ministry of Transport and Communications, Bulgaria
  264. Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), Timor-Leste
  265. Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania
  266. Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, Oman
  267. Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, Bahrain
  268. Mobile & Wireless Forum IVZW
  269. Moldova E-Governance Agency
  270. Mozilla Corporation
  271. National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security Council of Ministers
  272. National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania (ANCOM)
  273. National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), Thailand
  274. National Communications Authority (NCA), South Sudan
  275. National Communications Authority of Somalia
  276. National Cybersecurity Center, Dominican Republic
  277. National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA), Papua New Guinea
  278. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan
  279. National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland
  280. National Media and Infocommunications Authority, Hungary
  281. National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt
  282. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), United States
  283. National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  284. Netflix Inc
  285. Network of Women in ITU-D (ITU-D NoW)
  286. New America
  287. Nexlogic Telecommunications
  288. NGO Doing Business Together
  289. NGO MINZMIN Ukraine
  290. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
  291. Nokia Corporation
  292. NRD Cyber Security (CS)
  293. Ofcom, United Kingdom
  294. Office for Communications, Liechtenstein (Amt für Kommunikation)
  295. Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), Poland
  296. Office of the Government, Chief information Officer, Prime Minister's Office, Government of the Republic of Vanuatu
  297. Office of the Regulator, Samoa
  298. Oficina Gubernamental de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (OGTIC), Dominican Republic
  299. Omnispace LLC
  300. One Planet Education Network
  301. Orange
  302. Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
  303. Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association
  304. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)
  305. Partnership for Central America
  306. Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ)
  307. Posts and Telecommunications Division of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Bangladesh
  308. Powertel Communications Pvt ltd
  309. PT Mukti Mandiri Lestari
  310. Qualcomm Inc
  311. Republic of Slovenia
  312. Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
  313. Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co KG
  314. SAMENA Telecommunications Council
  315. SAP Asia Pte Ltd
  316. Satcom Industry Association
  317. SBA Communications
  318. Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructuras Digitales Gabinete, Spain
  319. Secretaría de lnfraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes (SICT), Mexico
  320. Secretariat for Technological Innovation of the Public Sector of Argentina
  321. Selby Technology Ghana Limited
  322. SinQtel Corp
  323. Smart Africa Secretariat
  324. SmartPhilm and Zeleman Communications
  325. SoftBank Corporation
  326. Space Exploration Technologies Corp (SpaceX)
  327. Speedchecker Ltd
  328. Spider, Stockholm University
  329. Saints Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  330. State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), Albania
  331. State Communications Agency under the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic
  332. SUE "UNICON.UZ" under the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic Of Uzbekistan
  333. Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala
  334. SWGfL
  335. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  336. Switzerland (Conferderation of)
  337. Tallinn University of Technology
  338. Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
  339. Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, United Arab Emirates
  340. Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority, Sudan
  341. Telecommunications Regional Technical Commission, Honduras
  342. Telefon AB - LM Ericsson
  343. Telefónica SA
  344. Telenor ASA
  345. Telesat
  346. Telkom University
  347. The Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority, Kuwait
  348. The Ministry of Communications and Technology (MoCT) of the Federal Government of Somalia
  349. The Walt Disney Company
  350. TOMi
  351. TRC Jordan
  352. Türk Telekom AS
  353. Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS
  354. US Department of State
  355. UAE Cyber Security Council
  356. Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
  357. Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology
  358. UK Government
  359. UN Brussels
  360. UN Digital Transformation Group for Europe and Central Asia (UN-DTG4ECA)
  361. UN Women
  362. UNDP, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  363. UNESCO Chair in ICT4D, Royal Holloway, University of London
  364. UNESCO Regional Office Nairobi
  365. UN-ESCWA
  366. Union of Operators of Armenia
  367. Unit F5, DG INTPA, European Commission
  368. United Nations Brussels Team Task Force on Digitalization for the SDGs (UNBT Digital TF) chaired by UNESCO and ITU
  369. United Nations Capital Development Fund
  370. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
  371. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  372. United Nations Development Programme
  373. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
  374. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  375. United Nations Foundation (Digital Impact Alliance)
  376. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Serbia
  377. United Nations Technology Bank for LDCs
  378. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  379. Universal Postal Union (UPU)
  380. Universal Service Fund, Pakistan
  381. Université numérique Cheikh Hamidou Kane (UNCHK), Sénégal
  382. University of Applied Sciences Konstanz (HTWG)
  383. University of Montenegro
  384. University of Pennsylvania
  385. University of Science, Malaysia
  386. UNU-MERIT
  387. USTTI
  388. Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Bahamas
  389. Verizon Communication Corporation
  390. Viamo Inc
  391. Vodafone Group Services Ltd
  392. Wastezon
  393. Welchman Keen Pte Ltd
  394. Whizz Education Ltd
  395. Wireless World Research Forum
  396. WMO
  397. Women in Technology in Nigeria (WITIN)
  398. Women's WorldWide Web (W4)
  399. World Bank
  400. World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)
  401. World Mobile Group Ltd
  402. World Pulse
  403. Youth 2 Youth Cameroon
  404. Zambia Information & Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)
  405. Zambia Telecommunications Company Limited (ZAMTEL)
  406. ZESA Enterprises
  407. Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (Pvt) Ltd
  408. ZTE Corporation