BDT Weekly Highlights

Highlights – October 2021

25 – 29 October

Cybersecurity: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in the USAID Webinar on the Role of Cybersecurity in National Economic Development. Hosted by the USAID Better Access and Connectivity (BEACON), ITU shared the Global Cybersecurity Index and an analysis of the results for the Philippines. Additionally ITU participated in a panel to discuss the cybersecurity challenges in the Philippines, the roles of governments and standards in cybersecurity and cyber resiliency, and the importance of the Philippines’ cybersecurity workforce.

Cybersecurity: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in the Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) Strategy Forum and presented cybersecurity and online safety measures and best practices as well as an overview of the current cybersecurity state in the Pacific, Child Online Protection initiatives, and the ITU-T’s Digital Financial Services Security Lab. Web page.

Digital inclusion: Global

The ITU Academy course “Management Skills for Women Entrepreneurs in Tech” was launched on 22 October with an introductory webinar. Participants logged in from more than 20 countries. The free course is offered through a cooperative effort of ITU, ITC SheTrades and UN Women as an EQUALS Partnership contribution to Generation Equality. Participants will be trained in team management and performance; negotiations, finance and sales; project management; and agile business approaches. These skills are critical to help women entrepreneurs bridge the gender digital divide in the tech sector. More about the course:

Web Page.

Digital inclusion: Asia and Pacific

ITU met the Harvard Business School Online Tokyo chapter and United Planet and presented gender gap figures in Asia and the Pacific and various activities, including Girls in ICT, EQUALS and Generation Connect. United Planet shared an overview of their virtual chapters programme and curriculum discussed partnerships and cooperation with ITU for the upcoming Girls in ICT Day 2022 in Asia and the Pacific.

Digital innovation ecosystems: Global

From 25 to 29 October, ITU hosted the second edition of the Global Innovation Forum. The week kicked off with an opening ceremony during which the ITU Secretary-General and BDT Director gave opening remarks. Each day had a specific focus: Day 1 began after the opening ceremony. A panel of ministers and high-level government officials discussed the challenges and opportunities their countries had faced in mainstreaming entrepreneurship-driven digital innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic. A second panel highlighted the innovation divide, its impact on social conditions and how to close this divide going forward. Day 2: participants engaged in discussions about new partnership requirements for entrepreneurship-driven innovation through the lenses of key ecosystem stakeholders. Days 3 and 4 brought in the regional dimension for Africa, the Americas and the Arab States region; focusing on countries’ readiness and demonstrating how key sectors of the economy can benefit by nurturing digital innovation. The finalists of the 2021 Global South Innovation Challenge also made live pitches to a selection committee of experts. Day 5 began with a discussion on how to nurture the next unicorn, brought the discussion full circle with a call for interest in new partnerships to accelerate entrepreneurship-driven innovation and the announcement of the 12 winners of the 2021 Innovation Challenges, chosen by the selection committee, during the closing ceremony.

Environment: Global

ITU, the WEEE Forum, the GSMA and Sofies Group jointly organized an online webinar on Digital Solutions for a Circular Electronics Value Chain. The webinar complemented the launch of the thought paper and brought together key organizations including producers, producer responsibility organizations and digital sustainability solution providers for a panel discussion on the scope and applicability of digital technologies in enabling a circular electronics value chain. The 90-minute session allowed panellists to share their work and insights from the space and was followed by a Q&A session. With the recognition that digital solutions are vital for a transition to the circular value chain for electronics, the discussion included reflections on the consequent drawbacks of digitalization and panellists highlighted the effects of the rise of Internet of Things and embedded devices, as well as the risk of digital exclusion and inequality. Solution providers from different regions underscored the importance of digital infrastructure and policy to create an enabling environment for innovation and highlighted the importance of scalability in ensuring that digital solutions are cost effective and inclusionary. The Digital Solutions for a Circular Electronics Value Chain thought paper is available for download in pdf. Reference Document.

Network and digital infrastructure: Americas

ITU met with Dr. Lidia From Cea, Executive Director of Proyecto Mesoamérica, and her team to explore ways to collaborate using their geo-localized resources database RMGIR to accelerate the digital dividend usage in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. In the meeting it was also agreed to continue exploring ways ITU and Proyecto Mesoamérica can work together.

Network and digital infrastructure: Americas

ITU was invited to make a presentation on Network Neutrality within the framework of IGF Guatemala at the invitation of ISOC Guatemala.

Other: Africa

ITU participated in the Innovation Fair organised by UNWOMEN, UNECA, AUC, ITU and hosted by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications in Cameroon, following the Coding Camp: African Girls Can Code (AGCCI).

Other: Arab States

As part of the ITU Global Innovation Forum, the Regional Innovation Forum for the Arab States was held from 27-28 October. The Forum kicked off with a high-level session on tech entrepreneurship and development, and was attended by the Arab Regional Director, H.E. Mr. Abdel Aziz Dahi, Minister of Digital Transition, Innovation and Modernization of the Administration Islamic Republic of Mauritania, in addition to a panel of high-level government officials and experts. The Regional Innovation Forum also included discussions on mechanisms for partnership to mainstream entrepreneurship and development.

18 - 22 October

Capacity development: Asia and Pacific

ITU co-organized an online training on Conformity and Interoperability relating to 5G with CAICT, China under the auspices of the CoE programme in Asia and the Pacific. Participants learnt and discussed the general development and standards of 5G and testing relating to 5G equipment. ITU presented conformance and interoperability programs to further promote the work of the Union in this area.

Cybersecurity: Global

To build up on third thematic concept (LEARN), the final trainings for the 2021 Global CyberDrill took place on 11, 12 and 14 October. This final set of trainings, led by leading cybersecurity experts, shed light on various valuable best practices in the field. Both returning and new participants were able to actively interact with the trainers, sharing challenges and questions on building and promoting a sustainably safe cyberspace for all. A webinar titled “Women in Cyber: A Year Later” will be held on 28 October. Web Page.

Digital inclusion: Africa

The ITU Regional Office for Africa contributed to a consultation meeting organized by UN Women to share information about ITU’s work on gender-related initiatives and explore opportunities to strengthen collaboration on digital inclusion activities in the region. This consultation process will contribute to the development of an action plan for the UN Liaison Team for 2022.

Digital inclusion: Africa

The ITU Regional Office for Africa contributed to a consultation meeting organized by UN Women to share information about ITU’s work on gender-related initiatives and explore opportunities to strengthen collaboration on digital inclusion activities in the region. This consultation process will contribute to the development of an action plan for the UN Liaison Team for 2022.

Digital inclusion: Asia and Pacific

As part of the Girls in ICT Day Pakistan celebration, a series of digital skills trainings organised and supported by EQUALS, GSMA, W4, ITU, CodeGirls, and the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication of Pakistan was conducted on 22 and 23 October. ITU delivered opening remarks and shared a presentation on online safety introduction for girls. There will be two more EQUALS Tech4Girls workshops on “Mobile application development” that are planned to be organised by EQUALS partners, GSMA, W4, and CodeGirls on 30 November and 1 December 2021. Each online course targeted 100 girls who participated from Islamabad, Karachi and other areas in Pakistan. Web Page.

Network and digital infrastructure: Asia and Pacific

ITU concluded a regional radio-communication Seminar (RRS) for Asia and the Pacific held in partnership with APT. The seminar featured satellite and terrestrial services and was followed by a regional forum on radiocomms issues pertinent to the region. The high participants number (around 350 with 75% ASP admins represented) reflects the importance of the topic in the region. Web Page.

Policy and regulation: Asia and Pacific

ITU was one of the judges in selecting the best video in the GSMA APAC Mobile 360 Digital Nation Building Video Competition. ITU announced the winner of the Lucky Voter Prize for Most Favourite Video Award in the GSMA APAC Mobile 360 Conference on 21 October.

Policy and regulation: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in the opening session of GSMA M360 Leaders Forum: “Shaping the future for a digital society”. This was followed by a panel discussion on the need for a modern regulatory framework for a digital society to thrive. ITU shared a presentation on the impact of broadband and digitization on the economic growth during COVID-19 pandemic, the digital gender gap, the E-Government Development Index, and provided an overview of the policies and regulatory developments that are shaping digital societies in Asia and the Pacific.

PRIDA: Africa

A meeting of PRIDA focal points was held last week. A total of 46 focal points (out of 54) attended the meeting. The new Regional Director for Africa, Anne-Rachel Inne, and the new PRIDA project manager, Jimmy Christel Ngoma, were introduced.

Other: Arab States

As part of ITU’s participation at the GITEX Technology Week, Stephen Bereaux, Deputy to Director BDT & Chief of Dept., and Adel Darwish, Arab Regional Office Director, participated in several conferences and meetings during the event that was held in Dubai from 17-21 October. The visit included a keynote speech by Stephen Bereaux at the GITEX Cybersecurity Conference where he highlighted the main Cybersecurity priority areas including development of cybersecurity strategies, Capacity Development, inclusion, engagement and awareness. A speech was also given by Adel Darwish, at the Huawei Arab Innovation Day where he emphasized how multi-stakeholderism is key for digital transformation and an integral part of the ecosystem towards a post COVID-19 era. Mr. Darwish also gave a speech during the SAMENA Accelerator Policy Roundtable on Fiber & IPv6 Deployment. The visit also included a tour at the UN Hub, meeting with H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al Kuwaiti, Director of UAE National Cyber Security Council NCSC, meeting with Mr. Maged Mosmar, TDRA General Manager, meeting with the CEO of Mobily in addition to country meetings with Somalia, Djibouti and Mauritania.

11 - 15 October

From Arab States

As part of the coordination framework between ITU and the National Telecom Regulatory Authority of the Arab Republic of Egypt (NTRAEG), a meeting was held between the Regional Director for Arab States and Engineer Hossam al-Gamal, Chief Executive Officer of NTRAEG, to discuss cooperation and support in the field of telecommunications.

From Arab States

The ITU Regional Office for Arab States designed and co-led a strategic workshop for the United Nations agencies operating in Egypt. The workshop aimed to map past, current and future interventions related to tech and innovation, identify potential collaborations, initiate new partnerships and explore common interests. It also allowed participants to highlight gaps and reinforce strengths of the UNCT's current interventions and approaches.

From Arab States

A meeting was held with H.E. Mr. Ahmad Hanandeh, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) of Jordan. The meeting discussed BDT’s main projects and initiatives as well as current and future regional activities by the Arab Regional Office. Participants explored opportunities to strengthen collaboration towards a more inclusive and connected world.

Digital inclusion: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in a webinar organized by the UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia. The event focused on the International Day of the Girl and brought together various stakeholders to discuss the power of adolescent girls for a more equitable and prosperous future. Girls are breaking boundaries and barriers posed by stereotypes and exclusion and are creating a world that is relevant for them and future generations. ITU shared closing remarks and a presentation on promising practices regarding increasing access to digital technology, investing in innovation and building 21st century skills. This event provided a platform to hear from girls from organizations working in marginalized, rural, poor communities as well as girls with disabilities.

Digital inclusion: Americas

ITU met with UNICEF Argentina country office representatives to discuss cooperation opportunities in the framework of “Generación Única” (GenU) and Giga. GenU in Argentina has already been implemented and is testing two pilots to connect schools in remote areas through HTS and radio links. They have also developed a tool to map unconnected schools.

Digital services and applications: Asia and Pacific

ITU moderated a panel discussion on World Food Day at the invitation of the FAO Regional Office for Asia-Pacific. The panel focused on inclusive agri-food system innovations and raised the importance of digitalization in addressing the pressing challenges in this area. The panel discussions focused on limited access among farmers and villagers as the major barrier to digital transformation in food and agriculture in Asia and the Pacific, and paved the way for strengthened collaboration between ITU and FAO.

Emergency telecommunications: Global

BDT co-sponsored and contributed to the 2021 CAP Implementation Workshop, which was attended by about 400 participants from all over the world, included presentations on the use and benefits of the Common Alerting Protocol (based on ITU-T Recommendation X 1303), which is a simple but general format for exchanging all-hazard emergency alerts and public warnings over all kinds of ICT networks, allowing a consistent warning message to be disseminated simultaneously over many different warning systems, thus increasing warning effectiveness while simplifying the warning task. BDT promotes the use of CAP in its work on Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems, and provides training on CAP.

Emergency telecommunications: Global

On International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (October 13), BDT participated in the WSIS TalkX session on ‘How ICTs Enhance Resilience and Awareness in Countries at Risk: Lessons Learned from International Collaboration’. The panel provided concrete examples of the power of digital tools to address the challenges of climate change and to support disaster management. Panelists discussed how ICTs help to ensure that communications are available throughout the disaster management cycle, to support the preparedness and response activities on the ground, and deliver alerting messages to communities at risk. The event emphasized the importance of partnerships and collaboration.

Environment: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference. The conference focused on the opportunities, challenges and solutions towards achieving sustainable transport worldwide and it is expected to indicate a way forward for sustainable transport to help achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change in the Decade of Action.

Network and digital infrastructure: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in a panel discussion and delivered a presentation at DigitalxADB 2021 Driving Digital Development Across Asia and the Pacific and discussed how we could boost the digital connectivity investment and close the long-standing and growing digital divide in Asia and the Pacific. The session took a deep dive into the complex and evolving nature of digital connectivity deficits in the region and explored multidimensional approaches that need to be taken to close these gaps in developing member countries. It also focused on the lessons learned in policies and public interventions during the pandemic and the latest breakthroughs in technologies and their implications for future strategies. The meeting also outlined the imperative to close the digital divide and the key barriers behind the persistent digital divide in developing member countries. This event paved the way to expand collaboration with ADB.

Network and digital infrastructure: Americas

ITU presented its global activities on broadband mapping systems to INDOTEL (Dominican Republic).

Connect2Recover: Global

The first report for Connect2Recover initiative: A methodology for identifying connectivity gaps and strengthening resilience in the new normal was launched on 11 October 2021. This report provides a basis for applying a global methodology for carrying out Internet resilience assessment at a country level on the state of prevailing infrastructure and providing recommendations for strengthening resilient digital infrastructure. The methodology lays a foundation for collecting comprehensive data from different sources, framework for network resilience assessment, as well as key recommendations for the policy and regulatory regime to develop or update National Broadband Strategies/ Plans. This report will help ITU’s efforts to build back better with broadband by focusing on education, health care, and job creation, and can serve as a timely blueprint for Member States recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Digital innovation ecosystems: Global

The second edition of the ITU Global Innovation Forum will take place from 25 – 29 October 2021. This year's theme is ‘Building partnerships to mainstream entrepreneurship’. More than a year in, the COVID-19 crisis continues to have a significant impact on society. It has exposed the fragility of the current economic system across the globe, but it has also provided a powerful lens to examine the underlying conditions that led to this fragility, and illuminated gaps in economic and social values chains, providing the opportunity to improve economic resilience and related issues. To recover from crises like this, the world needs new partnerships to close the digital innovation gap, accelerate entrepreneurship-driven innovation and create decent jobs. Countries can use this experience as an opportunity to transform their communities into thriving and competitive digital economies. Days 1, 2 and 5 of the forum will focus on the global perspective, while Days 3 and 4 will take participants on regional deep dives through the Africa, Americas and Arab States regions. Because youth are the leaders of tomorrow, the forum will also explore challenges and opportunities in becoming entrepreneurs, policy-makers or ecosystem builders who accelerate economic development in their communities through the lens of young ICT leaders from ITU's Generation Connect. Download the event agenda to learn more and register for the event here:

Other: Americas

Everything is set for the Latin American Digital Transformation Congress 2021. This event is being organized by the Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET) and the Development Bank of Latin America, and with the support of the ITU. The Congress will give an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the digital economy as well as the challenges and opportunities that the COVID pandemic brought to ICT. The Congress will take place from 18 to 28 October in a hybrid format from Mexico City and online.

4 - 8 October 2021

Capacity development: Asia and Pacific

ITU co-organized and participated in the online training on Human Exposure to Fifth Generation (5G) Electromagnetic Fields: Guidelines, Measurements & Case Studies with UTM – Malaysia under the auspices of CoE programme in Asia and the Pacific. As countries planned to rollout 5G technology, there were many questions and misconceptions of the impact of EMF radiating from the technology. ITU prepared and delivered a course module on 5G EMF Policies, Guidelines and Standards Overview, presenting the work of ITU in this area and especially Study Group question - Q7/2.

Cybersecurity: Global

ITU organized a series of trainings on cybersecurity. As we continue to highlight Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the trainings have presented in-depth and captivating dialogues among participants from different global regions. The first training titled “How to Identify and Classify Critical Information and Infrastructure Assets and Services” featured Dmytro Cherkashyn and Jugersa Smaja from the Institute for Security and Safety at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences. Both experts walked participants through the identification of critical sectors and facilities around the world as well as existing methodologies for the identification of critical information infrastructure. The second training on “Strengthening Legal, Policy and Compliance Frameworks” was led by international cybersecurity expert Marco Gercke, who offered the audience a refreshingly interactive and hands-on training on cybersecurity and CIIP challenges for governments. The session also included a Live Cyber Incident Simulation as well as a discussion on current megatrends and how they play into the field. The third training titled “Threat Monitoring and Incidence Response for CNI using Open Source Tools” was led by experts from EY India. This training offered a high-level overview of the establishment of a threat monitoring and incident response team utilising the Open Source Tools. In this technical deep-dive, participants were able to gain knowledge on requirements for establishing an effective Incident Response Team, the various services that can be provided by a CIRT, and the types of resources and infrastructure needed to run the operations. More trainings are planned in October. Web Page.

Digital inclusion: Asia and Pacific

ITU delivered a presentation on “Realizing Digital Inclusion in the Journey towards a Post-COVID-19 pandemic ASEAN: ITU Role and Prospects for Collaboration” to the National Council for the Blind Malaysia (NCBM). NCBM worked closely with UNESCAP, to support the blind and visually impaired community, and invited ITU to share its work on Digital Accessibility, to identify areas of collaboration, particularly in the area of digital inclusion to support the 12th Malaysia Plan, 2021 – 2025.

Digital inclusion: Global

ITU organized the fifth edition of the virtual ‘Digital Market Workshop’ on the topic of “Conducting digital buyer outreach”. Participants who represent women-owned businesses in the textiles and apparel industry learned about the importance of incorporating digital strategies and using innovative digital tools to open up opportunities in international markets. This workshop is part of a capacity building programme in the context of the ITU/EIF project “Tech as a driver of women’s economic opportunity” which is targeted at women entrepreneurs from this sector to better integrate digital technologies into their businesses.

Emergency telecommunications: Asia and Pacific

The ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific continued national stakeholder consultation meetings to develop National Emergency Telecommunications Plans for Fiji. Over 20 organizations were consulted in 4 meetings. Each meeting represented a separate category of stakeholders from the Government, Security Agencies, International Organizations and Telecom infrastructure operators. As next steps, tailored questionnaires are being sent to stakeholders for detailed responses.

Emergency telecommunications: Global

BDT presented its work on emergency telecommunications during the IEEE VTC2021-Fall - Vehicular Technology Society ( conference on "On-Demand 6G for Resilient and Ubiquitous Networking". The conference allows scientists, engineers, students, technicians, and others to come together to discuss research and development in vehicular technology and mobile networks. Web Page.

Environment: Africa

As part of ITU’s ongoing national e-waste policy support in Malawi, the first private sector consultation workshop was held in Blantyre and Lilongwe. The workshop was organized in collaboration with the Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) and the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA). ITU and Malawian Authorities are conducting national consultations with different stakeholders - including EEE producers and industry associations - as a part of the policy-making process that will lead to the formulation of a national e-waste policy in alignment with the country’s development goals. The workshop included representation from producers, civil society, business associations and academia and highlighted the consultative process of policy-making as well as the importance of involving all concerned stakeholders. The discussions throughout the two days were dynamic and displayed interest from all attendees on the topics of Extended Producer Responsibility and the roles & responsibilities of WEEE value chain stakeholders. A very first draft of the national e-waste policy was presented by EAD and received positive feedback from participants.

Environment: Africa

ITU and UNITAR hosted a two-day workshop for the ‘EACO Regional WEEE Data Harmonization Project’ which was attended by several participants, including representatives from National Statistical Offices (NSOs) in Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya and Tanzania. The project, in collaboration with the East Africa Communications Association (EACO) and UNITAR, aims at harmonising the collection of data on e-waste through household and business surveys. The first day of the workshop focused on finalising the survey based on feedback, determining how to trial and distribute the survey, and producing specific country plans to define the steps each country needs to take to begin regional trials. The second day of the workshop focused on practical exercises using an e-waste statistics toolkit to ensure all project stakeholders have the knowledge and tools to collect and improve e-waste data and statistics at the national level, in a harmonized manner. Over the next month, the project team will be organising bilaterals with each country to further refine the plans and ensure all NSOs have compiled the necessary data, laying the foundation to begin regional trials.

Network and digital infrastructure: Asia and Pacific

ITU participated in the South Asia Regional Digital Initiative (SARDI) Dialogue series. A presentation was made during the session on last mile connectivity in rural areas highlighting the relevance of the ITU LMC toolkit and BB maps in designing solutions for last mile connectivity. Web Page.

Other: CIS

The ITU Regional Director for the CIS Region took part in the Fifth Subregional Forum on SDGs, which was held under the auspices of UNESCAP-SONCA, and delivered a speech covering the technology and innovation landscape in North and Central Asia. The speech focused on the role of partnerships in achieving the SDGs and presented ITU global initiatives such as Giga, C2R, COP, and the Startups Central Eurasia regional platform. The North and Central Asian Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Subregional SDG Forum) is an event organized since 2017 by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and partners from within and outside the United Nations system. Web Page.

Other: Africa

ITU attended the official celebration of World HABITAT Day in Cameroon.

Other: CIS

The Regional Director for the CIS Region met with H.E. Dastan Dogoev, Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic and spoke at the opening of Kyrgyzstan Forum of Information Technologies. The meeting with Minister Dogoev covered ITU activities in the region and activities in the country, and Kyrgyzstan’s engagement on the Connect2Recover initiative.