Five Phase approach of C2R

Funded by voluntary contributions, Connect2Recover follows a Five Phase Approach to ensure holistic actions are taken within the framework of providing universal digital connectivity to all and to closing the digital divide that still, to this day, contributes to preventing millions of accessing the Internet. Connect2Recover also focuses on strengthening resiliency of digital infrastructure and support better preparedness against natural hazards.

Connect2Recover Five Phase Approach:

Phase 1Global Methodology“: Connect2Recover develops a Five-stage methodology which can be applied consistently in beneficiary countries. It is a methodology used at the country level to assess gaps and bottlenecks for the utilization of networks and digital technologies, and identify policies to respond to and mitigate the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future disasters, including those linked to natural hazards.

Phase 2 “Country Landscape Assessments”: is a country-level digital and Internet resilience assessment which assesses the state of a country’s connectivity data collection and availability, network resiliency, and digital strategies. 

Phase 3 “National ICT Strategies”: it involves updating and/or developing ICT strategies or broadband plans based on the Internet resilience assessments to ensure that digital infrastructure and ecosystems adequately support recovery efforts as well as the ‘new normal’, in line with global best practices.

Phase 4 “Pilot Activities”: it involves pilot projects to test specific technological developments for quick wins by partnering with other programs and organizations. These implementations are in line with national country strategies and policies, with a particular focus on disaster management, education, health, and job creation. These pilots can also be used to test early warning systems and inform policy making.

Phase 5 “Deep-Dives Studies”: this phase would undertake deep-dive studies in specific areas of education, health, employment, and disaster management and in specific areas of digital policy as prioritized by the countries selected including alerts for early warning purposes.