Connect2Recover Projects in the Arab States

In the Arab-States region, the Regional Broadband Transmission Map was updated resulting in an increase of total route in the region by 55 percent. The review involved 33 operators in 17 countries (807 links, 68,777 km of transmission network data) and increased total route in Arab region by 55% from 417,034 km in 2017 to 646,729 km. The update of the broadband transmission map assists in the identification of gaps and bottlenecks for the utilization of broadband networks and digital technologies.

In Mauritania, a digital resilience assessment was carried out to strengthen its telecommunications/ICT infrastructure for economic recovery and development.

In the State of Palestine, the development of numbering plan framework and regulations has been completed. The numbering plan facilitates the growth of the telecommunications / ICT sector that spurs economic growth and development in accordance with WTDC Resolution 18. In addition, during the ITU-T Study Group 2 Meeting held from 13 – 22 March 2023, a communication received by the TSB Director from MTIT, State of Palestine, titled “Activation of the international Country Code of the State of Palestine (CC: 970)

In Syria, the telecommunications / ICT market review has been completed. The review provides the policymakers with evidence to enhance the competitiveness of services for the country’s development.

In addition, Connect2Recover is privileged to participate in the Arab First Annual Forum on the “Role of New Technologies in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Work: Towards Developing a Common Emergency Telecommunication in Arab Region”. This was organised by the General Secretariat of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization (ARCO), the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization, and the Arab Regional Office of the ITU. More details can be found in ARCO’s webpage.