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Three Main Vehicles

The Alliance will work through three main vehicles

Digital Transformation Lab

The Lab will support the design and
implementation of the network of centres and provide technical assistance, upon request, to enable countries currently lacking key capabilities in sandboxing and developing initiatives to accelerate digital development.
The Lab will be located in Geneva, accessible virtually and offering innovation services to BDT staff and countries. BDT will benefit from improving its products and services to enable the Bureau to be the premier agency supporting developing countries in digital transformation.

Network of Acceleration Centres

The Network will enhance global, regional and national innovation capabilities for technology, policy and flagship initiative development.
The various centres will accelerate digital transformation through a unique ecosystem-thinking approach that combines the best of three recognized methodologies: Sense Making, Systems Thinking and Design Thinking. The centres will also amplify local capabilities to accelerate local innovation, entrepreneurship and the digitalization of economies to improve the competitiveness of economic sectors.

Digital Innovation Board

This Board will guide the work of the Alliance and ensure its effectiveness, accountability, and sound decision-making toward accelerating the implementation of the Kigali Action Plan.
The Board will facilitate high-level coordination and engage in global advocacy at the UN level and with regional and international organizations. Leveraging its reach, it will help mobilize resources and partnerships, share lessons learned and create a global learning community.



  • BDT will provide the secretariat for the initiative.
  • The Digital Transformation Lab, based in Geneva, will support the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of centres via cooperation agreements and projects.

Selection Process for the Centres

  • The centres are created to assist ITU Membership
  • Through well-defined BDT-developed frameworks and processes, each centre will be designed around the needs and priorities of countries and adapted to the existing stakeholders and the countries’ unique context
  • Applying organizations should identify preliminary resources to fund their centres, including human and financial resources
  • Some technical assistance requests may be available for preliminary assessment and evaluation for the concept design of a centre
  • Organizations with existing centres can go through a design and evaluation process to become Partner ITU acceleration centres
  • The cost of each centre depends on the chosen strategic objective, scope, ownership model and number of flagship initiatives
  • An admitted centre will benefit from a three-year approval, renewable after evaluation and requalification
  • A centre can be upgraded from one type to another with improved resource availability and experience
  • Qualification for regional centres owned by countries are based on open, transparent calls, and more information will be available publicly on the ITU-D website.

Selection Process for the Digital Innovation Board

The multistakeholder Digital Innovation Board is led by two Co-Chairs and is open to:

  1. Ministers and other high-level officials from ITU Member States, sector members and academia members, upon nomination by countries, institutions, and approval by the BDT Director.
  2. Distinguished leaders, recognized experts and representatives of strategic partner organizations, upon nomination by the BDT Director.

Additional details are available on the dedicated Digital Innovation Board page.