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Universal and meaningful connectivity: the new policy imperative

Side event hosted by the International Telecommunication Union at the High-Level Political Forum 2023 under the auspices of ECOSOC

Date/Time: 19 July, 13:15-14:30
Venue: Conference Room B, UN Headquarters, New York

Register at HLPF website

Over the past 30 years, the number of Internet users surged from a few million to 5.3 billion. Yet the potential of the Internet for social and economic good remains untapped: one-third of humanity remains offline, and many users only enjoy basic connectivity. Multiple digital divides persist across and within countries, between men and women, between youth and older persons, between cities and rural areas, between those who enjoy a fibre connection and those who struggle on a spotty 3G connection.

Achieving universal and meaningful digital connectivity (UMC) — the possibility for everyone to enjoy a safe, satisfying, enriching, productive and affordable online experience— is key for enabling digital transformation and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Connecting everyone is no longer enough. Universal connectivity without meaningful engagement could inadvertently exacerbate economic and social disparities both within and across nations.

The HLPF side event was joined by attendees who gained insights from ITU, practitioners and thought leaders about the role of connectivity and technology in development strategy, as well as their efforts to foster UMC. Attendees also learned how data can inform policymaking and improve policy impact.


Martin Schaaper
Senior Analyst, ICT Data and Analytics Division,
ITU, Geneva, Switzerland

Ursula Wynhoven
Head of UN Affairs Division
ITU Liaison Office to the United Nations, New York, USA