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During the First virtual Digital Regulation Network (DRN) Board meeting, which took place on October 31, 2023, the Board established the list of priorities and outlined a workplan. This workplan details the mechanisms for implementing the DRN initiative focusing on the three DRN building blocks.

– Definition of priorities for the coming year based on priorities expressed during the GSR-23 RA-23 meeting and during consultations held with RAs during recent ITU events
– Strengthening collaboration in the fields of mapping of broadband infrastructure and services collaborative regulation
– Identification and sharing of good practices and transfer of know-how
– Increasing participation of RAs in relevant ITU events and activities
– Definition of priorities and mechanisms to implement the DRN initiative at the First virtual DRN Board meeting (31-Oct-2023)
– ITU-EMERG-EaPeReg Joint Workshops on Strengthening Broadband Infrastructure and Services including mapping
– Collaborative regulation interactive workshop including Regulatory Associations at WSIS-24
– Information Session on DRN at ITU-D Study Group Meetings so as to encourage RAs contribution and participation to ITU-D Study Group meetings
– Piloting GSR-24 best practice guidelines dissemination for collection of contributions among RAs members
– Build Capacity of RAs on digital regulation through ITU Academy and by sharing Digital Regulation Handbook and Platform articles and materials
– Collaboration with ITU Digital Innovation Alliance – joint activities with RAs
– Digital Skills Needs Assessments Tools shared with RAs
– Dialogue between RAs and ITU Academy Training Centers (ATCs)
– Dialogue initiated with EQUALS to define gender activities focusing on gender equality in ICT access and use
Priority Mapping
– Strengthening Broadband infrastructure and services
– Fostering innovative regulatory approaches (regulatory sandboxes, regulatory impact analysis (RIA))
– Strengthen capacity of RAs through ITU Academy on regulatory innovation (regulatory sandboxes) and regulatory issues including affordability, consumer protection, infrastructure sharing, quality of service, consumer and data protection, universal service financing, e-waste, OTT services and applications, digital platforms
Outputs and Outcomes
– Workplan developed
– RA knowledge exchange activities increased (WSIS, GSR)
– Foster collaboration with other sector regulators (e.g. data protection agencies)
– RA participation in workshops and reports and outcomes of workshops shared with RAs
– RAs participate in digital regulation training, emergency preparedness, environmental sustainability and spectrum issues trainings on ITU Academy
– RAs capacity built on digital skills assessment
– ITU Digital Regulation Platform article on Non-Geostationary Orbit (NGSO) shared with RAs
– New areas for training identified and dialogue with ATCs initiated
– RAs participate in and contribute to ITU-D Study Groups work actively

– To exchange on the provision of a safe space and tools for co-creating harmonized approaches to policies and regulation for digital transformation at the national and regional levels
– To share good practices and experiences and advocate for the outcomes of the DRN
– Leveraging digital regulation tools and frameworks (ICT Regulation Tracker, G5 benchmark and the unified framework) to support evidence-based decision-making
– Piloting GSR-24 best practice guidelines (BPG) consultation process for collection of contributions from RAs and their members
– Preparation of interactive RA session at GSR-24
– Preparation of interactive RA session at WSIS C6 Action Line Facilitators meeting
– Supporting the work of the Broadband mapping building block
Priority Mapping
– Collaboration in the field of mapping of broadband infrastructure and services
– Collaborative regulation with other sectors NRAs – specifically on personal data protection & cybersecurity
– Sharing experiences to learn from other RAs
Outputs and Outcomes
– Progress report reflecting the tools and mechanisms to implement the identified priorities, and definition of the GSR-24 BPG
– Digital Regulation Tools and Frameworks shared with RAs and integrated into interactive sessions

– To share good practices and experiences and advocate for the outcomes of the DRN
– Identification and sharing of good practices and transfer of know-how, and increasing participation of RAs in relevant ITU events and activities 
– Organization of the DRN meeting at GSR-24 RA Meeting (July 2024)
– RAs take lead on GSR-24 best practice guidelines (BPG) outcomes dissemination
– Meeting to discuss RA-RA and RA-NRA to strengthen capacity of RAs on innovative regulatory approaches (twinning projects)
– Dialogue with industry on the provision of a safe space and tools for co-creating harmonized approaches to policies and regulation for digital transformation at the national and regional levels
Priority Mapping
– Fostering innovative regulatory approaches
– Sharing experiences to learn from other RAs
Outputs and Outcomes
– Successful contribution of RAs to GSR best practice guideline definition and actions agreed for dissemination in their respective regions
– Concrete actions on twinning discussed and follow-up agreed
– Concrete tools for co-creating harmonized approaches to policies and regulation for digital transformation at the national and regional levels discussed and follow-up agreed