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ITU GSR 2024

ITU-T work programme

[2022-2024] : [SG11] : [Q8/11]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Associated work]

Work item: Q.HP2P-svcfrw
Subject/title: Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: service framework
Status: Under study 
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: Q4-2025 (Medium priority)
Liaison: ITU-T SG16, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
Supporting members: Korea (Republic of.), ETRI, China Telecom
Summary: Recommendation ITU-T Q.4100 introduces several application services for hybrid peer-to-peer overlay networking; multimedia streaming, IoT data streaming and blockchain services. Q8/11 has developed ITU-T following Recommendations for hybrid peer-to-peer network: Rec. ITU-T Q.4101, Hybrid P2P communications: Tree and data recovery procedures Rec. ITU-T Q.4102, Hybrid P2P communications: Peer protocol Rec. ITU-T Q.4103, Hybrid P2P communications: Overlay management protocol Currently, Q8/11 is under development of Q.HP2P-dss, Q.HP2P-fvsigreq, and those are for data streaming service and feature-based video service. During the development of these service specifications, there were discussions about the necessity for a framework that provides some guidance on making new service protocols that running over hybrid overlay network. There was an agreement on the necessity of a framework for reusability of underlying protocols by making them independent to any application services. If the service is tightly bonded with underlying network protocols, it has limits on extending or making a new composed service. If any application services are based on the proposed service framework, it is possible to composite various services within a same hybrid overlay network. This draft Recommendation specifies framework for services using hybrid peer-to-peer overlay network based on Rec. ITU-T Q.4100. As infrastructural protocol specifications, Rec. ITU-T Q.4102 and Rec. ITU-T Q.4103, respectively for peer protocol and overlay management protocol, are used for providing overlay networking services. This framework provides guidance, such as resource elements for describing the service attributes and functionalities to be specified, for specifying a new service running over the HP2P network.
Comment: -
  Historic references:
MiYoung Huh, Editor
Wook Hyun, Editor
Yingjun Ye, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2023-01-13 14:52:38
Last update: 2024-04-24 14:17:22